Chapter 3: Rushed

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Dean shot up from his bed. It was almost 1 in the morning. "The hell?" he thought to himself, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked over to Cas' bed to see that he was asleep. He got out of bed and slipped out of the room, quietly so he wouldn't wake up his roommate.

Dean shut the door and turned to be face to face with Claire. Both of the siblings jumped.

"I need to talk to you." they said together

They began walking down the hall in a fast pace.

"Jesus I'm so stupid Dean! We just met and I kissed her! I freaking kissed a girl I barely know!" Claire said as she began to break quick and heavy.

"I am supposed to be straight and I sat there and held his damn hand! What the hell is this place doing to me?" Dean said as he pulled his sister into his arms.

"Now things are gonna be awkward and she probably gonna think I'm some fast moving chick who kisses every girl she sees." Claire said, panicking.

Dean held her close and rubbed her back,"it's only the first day, we're overreacting. We can just talk to them about it in class tomorrow, we're bound to see them at least once in this place." Dean said looking around.

Down the hall, they could hear foot steps approaching, it was Max. They hadn't officially met but they'd heard about Max being a "student cop".

"What are you guys doing out so late?" Max said with a soft smile.

"We were just talking. We're headed back now." Claire said as she started calming down.

Max nodded and watched them walk back into their rooms. When they got to their dorm room doors, they looked back to see Max still standing there with his arms folded. They quickly went inside and shut the door. Max snapped his fingers, signaling someone to come out.

A tall, long-haired man came out from behind a corner.

"Was that them? Your Winchesters?" Max asked the man.

"Yeah that's them. I need you to keep watching them, make sure they don't find out about me. They don't need to know about hunters." The man said as he walked down the hall.

"Got it." Max said back. "They won't even know you exist." He mumbled.

The next day, Claire woke up to see Molly putting on her clothes. 7:35. Claire shot out of bed and started changing clothes.

"Shit, I am gonna be so late!" Claire exclaimed.

"Calm down, you're fine. Come on we have class together." Molly said as she slipped on a hoodie.

"How do you know?" Claire asked

"There's this girl down the hall, Maddie I think, anyways she went to check and all three of us have the same class. Btw she's hot." Molly said turning to Claire.

Claire smiled then finished putting on her clothes. When she was finished, they walked out. There was a brown haired girl leaning against a big door that lead down a hall filled with class rooms.

"Maddie!" Molly exclaimed.

The girl turned around with a big smile. They walked up to each other and hugged for a bit. Claire fake coughed to get them off of each other.

"Oh right, Maddie, this is Claire. Claire, Maddie." Molly said looking at the both of them with a huge smile.

Maddie opened her arms to hug Claire but she rejected it.

"I'm good. Not much of a hugger." Claire said with an irritated smile.

"Yeah, but I heard you're a kisser." Maddie said under her breath.

"What was that?" Claire said as she bucked forward.

Dean stepped in and pulled his sister back. Cas came up behind Molly.

"Woah woah woah, what's the problem ladies?" Cas said with a smile.

"Nothing we're fine, right guys?" Molly said looking at Maddie and Claire

".....right." Maddie said looking away from Claire.

Claire ripped her arms from Dean's grasp and started walking. Everyone followed.

"Hey Blondie, class is right here." Maddie said calling Claire back.

She had walked passed the class while talking to Dean and Cas . She walked back waving to Cas and dean who's class was down the hall. Molly and Cas ran up to each other to hug.

"Don't go making out with strangers." Cas said teasing her.

"Oh my gosh, shut up!" Molly said with a smile as she pushed Cas.

Cas ran down the hall to catch up with Dean. Molly walked in class and sat in the middle of Maddie and Claire. They decided to sit in the back. Claire looked over at Molly who was trying not to look at either off them. She tapped Molly's shoulder to get her attention.

"What's up?" Molly said looking at Claire .

"Can we talk about what happened yesterday? I don't wan-" Claire started before Molly cut her off.

"Teachers here." Molly said looking away.

Claire sunk in her seat. She looked over to see Maddie and Molly talking and sighed.

"Alright class, I am professor masters and this is some kind of writing class, who cares what it's called, I hope you're happy with you're seats because thats were you'll be for the next six weeks." professor masters said with a smile.

Molly turned to Claire with a big smile. Claire looked confused.

"What are you smiling about?" Claire asked.

"Maddie said I'm cute!" Molly said quietly.

"What's the big deal? I bet you get that all the time." Claire said as she rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"I know you're probably mad that I shut you're question down, but I just don't wanna talk about it. The whole thing was rushed and I really like-" Molly started before the teacher called her.

"It's the first day here Ms.crawford, don't be my problem child." Ms.Masters said with a sigh.

"Sorry." Molly said as she ripped her eyes from Claire.

Down the hall dean and Cas were having an awesome day already. Their professor was Ms.Cortese and she was awesome. Max was in their class too and sat next to dean who was behind Cas.

"Hey, aren't you the guy I caught last night?" Max asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, sorry about that." dean said shakily.

"It's fine man, I'm just watching out for certain people. Strange things happen around here that certain people shouldn't know about. Don't want anyone getting hurt." Max said as his smirk disappeared.

Dean leaned forward and whispered into cas' ear,"Update: Max is hot and insane."

"I guess that makes two of you." Cas whispered with a chuckle.

"I'm not crazy!" Dean whispered back.

"I wasn't talking about the crazy part." Cas said with a wink.

"Oh." Dean said as his cheeks turned a bright red.

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