chapter 14: the storm

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Adam was walking through a torn up neighborhood that he had filled with his army of hybrids. He came up to an old blue house and knocked on the door. Klaus answered with a naked girl vampire under his arm.

"Adam! Your here just in time! We're celebrating our future victory over those Winchesters and Salvatores!" Klaus said as he opened the door, revealing a house filled with naked women and blood bags.

Adam had a dead serious face on and sent Klaus flying back into a wall. He looked around with bloodshot eyes.

"If you are not a member of my amry, you can leave now or not at all!" Adam yelled.

No one moved. Adam grabbed the girl by the door and kissed her neck and his eyes went back to normal.

"See all he needed was a little love." Stefan said from the couch from the door.

Adam opened his eyes while kissing the girls neck and they were red again. With a swift move, he ripped her throat open and blood splattered across the room and a pool of blood formed around his feet as he let her body drop.

"I really don't like repeating myself." He said calmly as blood trickled down his chin to his light blue v-neck shirt.

The women got up and ran out in a blur, leaving half naked hybrids across the house. He looked at them with all the rage in his body.

"Are you all fucking stupid?! We have yet to win dick, so can someone please explain why the utter fuck you idiots are acting like we won the goddamn Superbowl?!" Adam said with his fists clinched tight.

"Boss, chill, we are gonna take out those stupid hunters and their mutts no problem." A young henchman said placing his hand on adams shoulder. "Relax" he continued.

Adam smiled and grabbed the young man's hand and twisted it, shattering his wrist, then he pushed him to the ground.

"Anyone else think I should 'relax'? Because I think that was actually quite therapeutic." He started. "These hunters are not to be taken lightly, especially when they have supernatural-" he pauses and winkes at you, the reader, "-friends! We stand just as much of a chance as they do! We may have the numbers but they have the skill. They are on their way as we speak and you think celebrating is they way to deal with our plans falling apart?" He finished.

The room fell silent.

Sam, Molly, Dean, Cas, and Mary were getting ready for war. Cleaning guns, loading grenade launchers, checking chambers and practicing hand-to-hand combat. Stiles pulled up in his jeep with Scott, Lydia, Kira and Malia. They got of the car and walked up to everyone.

"Is this everyone?!" Scott asked in a panic.

"We're still waiting on Delena. Man, is that fun to say." Dean said as he loaded a shotgun.

"There's no way he came out first." Sam said to Mary.

"Well that can be taken in two ways." Damon said from behind them.

Everyone was here including some of Damon and elenas friends like: Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, Jeremy, Enzo, Alaric, Rebekah, and Elijah. Dean looked around at the whole team and smirked.

"Why is he smiling like Damon?" Bonnie said in a nervous time.

"It just means he's confident in us." Elena answered.

"Damn witches." Dean mumbled.

"Careful Dean, I have hex bags." Bonnie joked.

"How many?" Dean said as he unloaded his grenade launcher.

Adam got his army ready and in thousands of lines. It looked like a good one million hybrids. Adam, Stefan and Klaus stood above them all.

"I'm not gonna lie, most of us, if not all, of us are gonna die today. But, keep in mind this, those hunters are mouthy, which means you can get into their heads. The alpha would do anything for his friends, you hurt his friends, you hurt him. And those pesky vampires, honestly with them, their unpredictable keep. Your. Eyes. Open......Wide open." Klaus said speaking to the army.

"I don't have much to say about the events that will take place starting tomorrow, except, we are a family, all of us. We fight as one when we get there. I hope that there is still the same amount of us when we return because Winchesters don't just die. Most of us have been possessed, changed, tortured, poked, shot, stabbed, impaled, broken both mentally and physically and even been through literal hell. Like legit hell. Me and Dean to be specific. The point is that from this point on, we are a family, we are Winchesters." Sam said talking to the group.

"This is the calm before the storm and we are the storm." Dean said as he held cas' hand tighter than ever.

They got in their vehicles and left but Sam and Molly hadn't pulled off. They sat in their car and Sam looked at Molly with worried eyes.

"What's wrong hun?" Molly said placing a hand on his thigh.

"I kinda invited two more people to join us." Sam said nervously.

"Hey, mom!" Charlie and Kevin said from the backseat.

Molly turned in shock. Her two children were all grown up. She looked at them and studied their faces. Charlie's light brown eyes, her freckle covered nose and cheeks, her red hair that was in a braided pony tail; and Kevin's dark eyes, strong jawline, thick eyebrows and his long hair, just like his father's. Every single detail was sealed into her head. She shed a single tear then she spoke.

"I promise you, all of you, when we finish this, we're going to spend more time together. We are going to make up for every year that we missed in that stupid alternate universe. We are going to be a family again." Molly said holding their hands.

"Let's go drop some bodies." Kevin said.

Then, Sam pulled off, following everyone else into what might be their final moments. Into war.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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