chapter 12: Molly's wake

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Claire stood in front of a casket and gently placed her finger tips on it.

Dean put his hand on her shoulder and whispered "You've been up here long enough, we need to sit down."

Claire nodded and followed him to their seat. The room was filled Molly's friends and family. Except for Castiel. Dean searched for him through the church house. He found Cas sitting on the steps in front of the church.

Dean sat next to him but, Cas didn't even acknowledge him.

"Cas?" Dean whispered.

"I couldn't stop it...he pulled a gun on my best family, and I couldn't stop it." Cas said with water filling his eyes.

"None of us could, Cas. You can't blame yourself for her death. That blood isn't on your hands." Dean said reaching for Cas' hand.

"It sure feels like it." Cas said before getting up and storming off into the church.

Sam was just getting out of the shower when he heard his daughters voice in his head.

"Dad." Charlie called out.

"What?" Sam responded.

"I just got news that on the other side, you killed mom but there's a problem." Charlie said hesitantly.

"...what do you mean a "problem"?" Sam said aggressively.

"Well, for you and everyone else so far, when you guys died, it pulled you back through to reality, where you are now. Its normally an immediate process, you die and go straight back to reality. When mom died, she didn't go through, at least that's what our radar says." Charlie said in a panicked tone.

"So either something went wrong when she died or....Molly isn't dead....Charlie I need to check and make sure that Molly is dead, send your brother in, I don't care, just send someone in there and make sure my wife is dead." sam said brushing his hair back.

"And if she isn't?" Charlie asked.

"Kill her." Sam said before ending the connection.

Sam put on his clothes and went downstairs. At the kitchen table sat John and Mary. Sam sat next to John.

"Any word yet?" John asked.

"Molly is still in there. Dean and Claire were still alive. Everyone else wasn't there." Sam said.

"Wait a second, didn't you say you had stiles' jeep and Klaus was there?" Mary asked as if she had solved the whole case.

"Yeah, why?" Sam answered while leaning forward.

"Do you really think that stiles would just give you his jeep? And klaus keeps siblings in range of him at all times." Mary said with a smirk.

"Stiles is here and if we can send him back through then he should be with near his pack who have a lot of friends! Im sure they could weasel their way into klaus' circle. We could have a team on that side and this one!" Sam said excitedly.

"What are you waiting for? Call charlie!" John said as he put on his coat.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked looking at his parents who were walking out the door.

"To find stiles, there's no way that kids gonna go to an unknown place where he could possibly die for an unknown reason plus he has werewolf friends, we'll 'pursuade' him" Mary said before shutting the door.

Sam Smiled and called out to Charlie.

"Any updates?" Charlie asked

"We've got a plan." Sam said.

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