Chapter 5: TV Is Not A Babysitter. So Don't Use It Like One

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AN: I did not alter the title in any way. I promise.

The day after the fight, Papyrus did nothing but lay in Steven's bed and huddle under the covers. Sans sat at the foot of the bed, keeping him company, hearing sniffles and groans from time to time. Steven sat in the kitchen, looking up at his bed, with Amethyst.

"Did he really get hurt THAT badly?" Amethyst asked, "I figured he'd be tougher than that, especially with that armor."

"I asked him about it but he wouldn't answer me." Steven replied, "Sans says that Papyrus must feel bad about losing his chance to make friends with Pearl, but I don't know if that's true or not."

"Really?" Amethyst questioned, "That's what he's upset about? Not making friends with Pearl? That would never have happened anyway."

"Yeah, maybe, but I'm not about to go tell him that now." Steven said, "Where's Pearl now anyway?"

"She's been locked up in her room all day." Amethyst explained, "Why? Do you wanna talk to her about this?"

"Not really," Steven replied with a frown.

"You're not mad at her, are you?" Amethyst asked, "I mean, they were both fighting, they knew what they were doing."

"I'm not mad." Steven said in a wobbly voice, "I'm just upset by all this."

"hey kid." Sans called as he walked down the stairs and towards Steven, "i need ya to do me a favor."

"What is it?" Steven asked the short skeleton.

"i'm going out for a bit. i need you to take care of papyrus while i'm gone, okay?" Sans said.

"Where are you going?" Steven asked.

"you'll find out when i get back. but for now i gotta be all mysterious and stuff." Sans said, "can i count on you?"

"Sure thing, Sans." Steven replied, "How's Papyrus doing right now, anyway?"

"he's still not really talking." Sans explained, "hey, while i'm gone, you mind trying to cheer him up a bit? don't force it on him, but just see what you can do to make him happy, okay?"

"You got it!" Steven cried with a smile.

"alright kid, see ya later." Sans said, walking out the door.

Steven then walked directly up the stairs towards his bed, with Amethyst following behind. "Ooooooooooh, I have an idea!" Amethyst said, "We'll get the hose from outside, turn it on full blast and then-"

"oops, i almost forgot." Sans said poking his head back inside, "i need amethyst's help for this, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Amethyst suddenly fell down the stairs, and was caught by Sans before crashing at the bottom. "thanks. bye, steven." Sans left once again, carrying Amethyst with him.

Steven giggled a little as he watched this happen, and then he turned to his bed, with Papyrus still covered up in it. "H-Hey, Papyrus." Steven quietly said, "How ya doing, buddy?"

Papyrus didn't answer.

"Uh, Sans left to go do something, so I'm gonna be here to take care of you until he gets back, okay?" Steven continued. Papyrus still did not answer. Steven thought to himself for a moment. "Hey, why don't we find something to watch on TV?" Steven asked, "Is there anything you'd wanna watch?"

Papyrus remained quiet. Steven finally walked towards the TV and turned it on.

The screen showed one of Steven's favorite shows, "Crying Breakfast Friends", a show where everyone cries all the time, which is just the perfect show for a depressed friend. Steven quickly changed the channel.

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