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Friends...we have them, or we don't. I guess I really do fear having the wrong friends.
Long story short;
I actually just lost a so called
" best friend".
She was the friend that called when she needed me. A friend that always told me how much she loved me, how beautiful I was ( im not) And how Im the best thing that ever happened to her. How she wanted to spend her life with me, and How She didnt know what she would do without me.
She was also the friend that
Called me fat and ugly behind my back. Crushed on my boyfriend( im single now)
Only called when she needed me, but never answered when I needed her. Called me crazy. The one who I did so much for, with nothing in return. I also said I couldn't live without her. I was stupid for believing her and doing so much. I never realized I was being played... Back stabbed.
The girl I thought was my Angel, turned out to be my Demon. I left her so quick. It was an amazing video call full of trust and laughter with her, before my phone Died in the middle of the call. It was at our best friends house, she was best friend of both of us, that i found out. My phone died for a reason. While my phone charged, Me and our other friend talked . she told me everything...the way the other girl, now a stanger talked about me. You see it was always the three of us. Me, The Backstabber, and The Real One. The Backstabber... Well she back stabbed me. The real one ...well she was the one that stayed real with me. I have only two amazing girls that have stuck by me through whatever. They both know who they are. Two beautiful girls I love more than anyone. They know my secrets like no one else does. And they keep them like no one has heard.

The backstabber...well I have to admit I miss her. We had good times together... But they were false. Now she is just a stranger... With all my secrets....

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