Random Story

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So I'm sitting, well laying here bored on my bed. I really don't have anything to do. So...story time...what I could have been.


Well I'm still laying on my bed, Now listening to Night Changes by One Direction. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G song. Im writing in this to pass boredom. So How are you ? I've barely scratched the surface of who I Am. There's soooo much more for me to tell you... But I want to wait until we trust each other. Omfomf (oh my fangirl)
Marry Me by Jason Derulo Is playing. I reccomend that song.


So again Im laying on my bed Home Alone. What are some fun things to do while Im home alone? I usually Just turn my speaker on full volume and dance like a retard.___. Im currently listening to What Do You Mean. Im kind of a new returning fan of Justin Bieber. I was all into emo music but I sort of lost my interest to it I don't know how.

So... Random Story...
Im actually working on another story right now called
" Afraid to love again"
I know it sounds cheesy or corny but It actually is interesting. The Main character is Analise. Analise marries in the first chapter and ends up divorced pretty quick. She is also left pregnant. Analise really loved that man. So Analise has a hard time with relationships, especially being so young, she needs to find someone but her getting hurt so much is an obstacle of ever believing in any other man. But then this guy moves in down the hall. Well, this guy hits a entire other level of Analise. This is the man Analise wants to love, but fears it. Her Ex husband is an obstacle for her, and so is the heart break he caused her.

Im actually working on chapter one, which is just the beginning honey moon, so the first chapter is not as interesting.

-Pillow Talk- is on <3 My new favorite song. It sounds sexual tbh or passionate. Its a really good song Zayn is really doing a good job on his own music. Im actually thinking of buying his album when it gets released.
So Let's talk about Zayn....
I just found out That Gigi Hadid and Zayn are a thing. I searched her up after watching the Pillow talk music video. I totally ship them. They need a ship name...
Zizi? Only thing I can think of.

Well...enough with random stuff.
Comment if It's boring I know it is So comment something to talk about If you think it's boring.

Catch Up Later


Advice To Myself(Not A Diary)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon