If yer wanna find out, read it, why don't ya?!

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So, I told yer that Diagon Alley sounded great, right? Well, guess wot? It's better than I thought it would be. To get there, Hagrid took me an' Oliver through London, always makin' comments 'bout 'ow weird the muggle world is. We went down an 'igh street, an' Hagrid dragged us into a pub called The Leaky Cauldron. I love its name, cos it makes no sense, 'owever many times ya try sayin' it. Oliver wasn't so keen, but why would 'e be? 'E likes things to make sense. Guess, now we're wizards, that'll 'ave to change.

In there, was all sorts o' different people, like old women, young men, anyone an' everyone. There was a partic'lar couple wot caught my eye. A blonde-haired man, with a little girl, wot looked a lot like 'im. I'd guess she was 'bout ten, yer know, year younger than me an' Oliver. Hagrid must've seen me lookin', cos 'e said we could go round an' introduce ourselves to people. So ya know who I went to? 'Xactly.

"'Ello, me flash mates!" I said it rather nicely, considerin' I'd never seen 'em in my lives.

The man, presumably the girl's dad, replied, "Hello, young man. Why may you be here, saying hello to us?" I took this as a compliment, whether it was meant that way or not. I liked the guy's accent, sounded Irish, or somethin' o' that sort.

"Well, I just got my letter for 'Ogwarts. Goin' to Diagon Alley with Hagrid an' me mate, Oliver Twist. By the way, my name's Jack Dawkins, better known among me more intimate friends as the Artful Dodger. And wot 'bout you, princess?"

The little girl didn't look a bit fazed by me callin' 'er princess. In fact, she just looked me up an' down,  smiled, rather serenely. "My name's Luna Lovegood. Are you really going to Hogwarts? You lucky thing, I have to wait until next year."

I glanced at Luna's dad, expectan'ly if yer like.

"My name is Xenophilious Lovegood. I'm the editor of the magazine, The Quibbler."

"Nice! I like your dress Luna. 'S real bright. Reflects yer personali'y I guess."

"Thank you! That's the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me. And you're the first person to hear my name, and not call me Loony."

"Well that's just silly, ain't it? Ya got a lovely name, an' a face to match. But it matters wot's inside too. An' yer perfec'ly gorgeous in there 's well." Right then, Hagrid called me an' Oliver. We 'ad to go. "I'm leavin' now, gotta go get all my equipment. It was a pleasure meetin' yer, Mr Lovegood, Luna. Bye!"

As I was headin' off, I 'eard Luna yellin'.

"Goodbye Jack!"

Oliver looked at me. 'E raised 'is eyebrows, an' I could tell wot was a-comin'.

"Jack Dawkins, if I didn't know better, I'd say you've already got a girlfriend."

"Well Oliver, yer do know better, so shut up." I couldn't feel meself blushin',  but from Oliver's sly little smirk, I knew that's just wot I did. Now, I must divert the lot o' ya from that, so..........ah! Tell yer wot I did next, shall I? 'Ere it is: "So Hagrid, 'ow do yer get to Diagon Alley, 'xactly?"

"Like this, Jack. Both o' yer, watch me."

So that's wot we did.

=-D Hiya peeps! What's the row? Hope you enjoyed this little, flirty chapter. Do you want the good news? If this story goes well, I'll write another six, like the Harry Potter series. Love you! <3

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