Aaaaahhhhhh, Art's so cuuuuuute!

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So, I ain't gonna go into too much detail 'bout the trip to the vaults an' all that, cos I don't wanna bore ya. See, I'm a good friend, ain't I? All I'm gonna say is, Hagrid an' Oliver 'ad their eyes shut all the way down, they went all pale, like- but I bloomin' loved it! Not only was it great feelin' the wind rush through me 'air, but I swear I saw a dragon.

But 'nuff 'bout that, now on to the shops. First, Hagrid took us to the wand shop- Olivander's. It was real dark an' gloomy, just my sort o' place, an there was a real nice smell to the air- I think it was all them boxes. In fact, I reckon that was my favourite part of the shop. Boxes lined the walls, all the way from the skirtin' board to the ceilin'. They'd been opened, each o' 'em, thrice already, at the very least. I glanced up, caught a glimpse o' two things glintin' in the darkness- eyes. Their owner emerged, gradually. It was a frail old guy, with sharp eyes, grey 'air, an' shakin' 'ands. 'E stared at me an' Oliver, then spotted Hagrid.

"Hello, Hagrid. More little ones for Hogwarts, eh?"

Well, Hagrid was gonna reply, but I felt that 'e should save his breath, an' let me do the talkin'. "Actually, you're right we are a-goin' to 'Ogwarts, ain't we Oliver," I elbowed 'im, but didn't let 'im speak. "'Owever, we ain't all that little. I'm a real gen'leman, I am."

For some reason, this feller seemed to find it funny, cos 'e chuckled, introduced 'imself as Mr Olivander. Once we all knew each other, Olivander got started on the testing of our wands. Wot we 'ad to do, was 'old a wand 'e 'anded us, an' give it a wave. Me an' Oliver thought this slightly pointless at first, an' 'e asked 'ow this would 'elp- Olivander just said we'd know when we found the right one. Eventually, we resorted to swappin' wands- an' that's when it 'appened. That's when I got my wand.

Olivander picked it up, to 'xamine it, like.

"Interesting.........your wand, Jack, is nine inches, willow wood, with a dragon heartstring core- nice and swishy."

"Thanks very much, Mr Olivander, but wot 'bout 'im?" I said, jerkin' my 'ead towards Oliver- just as 'is 'air flew up, an' 'is wand glowed, 'xactly like mine did. 'E passed it to Olivander, who stated,

"Hhhmmmm, ten inches, oak wood, and dragon heartstring again- good for transfiguration. Good Oliver, good."

So after that- let's be honest- rather creepy experience, we 'ad our own wands, an' were gonna need robes. Oliver got chattin' to a set o' iden'ical twins- Parvati an' Padma Patil. They were gonna be in their first year at 'Ogwarts too. I reckon Oliver was flirtin' with the one on the left- I think it was Padma, but it's impossible to tell. Then the owner o' the shop, Madame Malkin, came over, an' started fittin' us for robes.

Can't be bothered to tell ya every single detail, but I'll fill yer in on the pet shop- it was truly brilliant! O' course, it stank o' poo, but I'm used to that- I 'ave to live with Charlie! Yer ears were burstin' with hootin', croakin', mewin' an' squeakin' afore yer even stepped through  the door. Then I saw 'im- my soul mate. A little kitten, scratchin' at 'is cage, all soot black, desperate to get out. One o' 'is paws was white, an' I loved 'im straight away.

The nice shop lady took 'im out for me, he tried to scratch 'er eyes out. She eagerly gave 'im to me, an' rushed off to 'elp another customer. As soon as 'e was put in my arms, the kitten lay still, gazin' up at me. It would 'ave been a crime not to take 'im. Plus, I already 'ad a name for 'im.

"Art. My little Art."

Just then, Oliver an' Hagrid approached me. Oliver was carryin' a cage, with a tawny owl inside it. She looked very regal, turnin' 'er 'ead, as though she was viewin' 'er loyal subjects.

"Dodger!" Oliver cried, 'appy as a bee. "Dodger, look, this is my new pet owl, her name is Cassie, you know, after the seer and author, Cassandra Vablatsky."

I know it don't look like 'e was sayin' much, but all o' that in one sentence is quite a lot, 'specially for Oliver.

Now, by this time, we'd already been to the book shop, Flourish an' Blotts. I only got the required books, but Oliver bought loads extra. 'E says they're for background readin', but I personally don't see the attraction. When we were there, I did tell Hagrid that I couldn't read, an' just sort o' turned round, 'way from 'im, but I swear 'e flicked 'is umbrella at me. After that, the words sort o' made sense.

We did do a lot more shoppin', but it wasn't all as excitin' as it sounds. The point is, I 'ave a wand,  can some'ow magically read, an' I 'ave Art.

=-D Hey! got news, but it's not particularly exciting. No, you didn't win the lottery, and yes, you still have to go to school. Al it is, is the chapters are gonna be a bit longer now, else we'd end up with 170 chapters, whilst The Philosopher's Stone has 17.  I didn't count, I just remember standing in the kitchen and yelling, "Hey this only has 17 chapters!" because it really didn't seem that long at all. But I'm rambling now, so I'll go. Bye! <3

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