Oliver is gettin' real cocky these days. It can't be good for 'is 'ealth.

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OK, drama's 'appened.

We came back from Diagon Alley, all jolly an' that, an' just as we stepped through the door, Bill Sikes threw a punch at Nancy. She was sprawled on the floor, face down, like, an' everyone was gathered round 'er. Well, Hagrid saw. Thing is, 'e don't really like seein' people gettin' beaten up. 'E stepped towards Bill- an' 'ere comes the best bit- grabbed 'im by the ear. Like that, 'e lifted 'im up, off 'is feet, so that they was face to face. An' then, Bill got a right talkin' to!

"I don't know who yer are," Hagrid said, all softly. "But I know this woman, an' this woman deserves better than wot yer givin' 'er!"

To be honest, it was actually pretty scary, an' everyone was real astonished, like, cos nobody's ever tried that with Bill afore. 'Specially Nance, she looked all dazed, but amazed, grateful, an' angry at the same time.

Bill punched Hagrid- or tried to, cos Hagrid just took 'old 'o fist, an' bent it back down.

"I'm not gonna beat yer up," an' now comes the bit where Nance seemed to relax a bit more. "Cos I don't wanna stoop to yer level. But if you ever lay a finger, on anyone again, yer'll be sorry."

'E let Bill go, an' the little idiot ran right into the door, 'e was so keen to get away. Once 'e got the door open, 'e looked at me, 's if 'e was gonna say somethin', but I took my wand out, an' Bill scarpered.

Hagrid is defin'ly, the best person ever.


Don't worry, I won't bore ya with writin' 'bout every time I blinked, or that, but guess what I did today? I went to 'Ogwarts.

So, cos we're muggle borns, we 'ad Hagrid show us where to go, an' 'ow to get on to the platform- platform nine an' three quarters. It was busy on the muggle platform, an Oliver an' I'd  got to the barrier. But I wasn't gonna be first to volunteer to smashin' my 'ead into brick wall. 'Parently, neither was Oliver.

We backed away, an' I was feelin' like a right coward. But then we heard someone behind us.

"Packed with muggles of course."

We turned, an' saw a red 'aired family. There was a middle-aged woman, the one who'd spoken, a curly-'aired boy, 'bout fifteen, then there were iden'ical twins, boys again, a tall, mopey guy, an' a little girl, probably the same age as Luna.

I don't know if they noticed, but a black 'aired boy was followin' 'em, with a snowy owl on 'is trolley, an circular glasses.

"Dodger, look," Oliver whispered into my ear. "That dark haired boy, that's Harry Potter!"

"Is it really? 'Ow do ya know?"

"I can see his scar."

"Well, ya 'ave the best eyesight, if yer can see a scar, all the way from 'ere, that ain't that big, an' hidden behind 'is 'air."

We stopped talkin' then, cos the boy, Harry, 'ad walked up to the family, lookin' nervous. They chatted, the oldest guy rushed towards the barrier- an' went right through! I dragged Oliver over to 'em, cos we'd need to know 'ow to do that too.

"'Xcuse me," I said all polite, like. "But me an' me mate, Oliver, 'ere were wanderin' 'ow ya get on to platform nine an' three quarters. Could yer please show us?"

Thank the lord she was nice, cos the woman just smiled, replied in a pleasant voice, "Oh are you starting at Hogwarts this year too? We'd be happy to show you how to get on. Ron and lovey Harry are new as well."

Oliver Twist meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now