The Ice-Cream Summer

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"kyaaah!!" I roll on my bed.Yep!I am now fangirling over the cd in my hand.I stare at my cd.Blush form on my cheek as I grin widely.Then,I scream again.Stare.Blush.Scream.I did that again and again until my imouto shoot open my door."onee-chan!Can you SHUT UP!"I look at her and sit on my bed."not your business!" I put the cd on my table."it is!You were so noisy that I cant concentrate on my homework!" "I get it!STUDY GIRL" I walk out from my room down to the living room."and you're a lazy lady!" she shout at me and walk to her room.I stick my tongue,"whatever" I mumble and sit on the sofa,staring at my brother's game.Then,I look out of the opened sliding door to hear summer cricket sound.It was summer and of course,I'm on summer holiday.I just got back home from my university.And its rare for me to go back home since its far from my university.

I start to daydream about I met Amatsuki and we got together and do many happy things.A creepy smile form on my lips.My brother gave ma 'whats wrong with her' face.I snapped from my daydream after I heard my name being called."(f/n)!" It was my mom."y-yes!" I rush to where my mom is,at the house yard."what is it?" "help me go buy some groceries.Here the list" "hm!money" "here" I went up to my room to my room to get my small sling bag."take care" my mom said to me "haii~" I walk down the street where the market are.because it was summer,I wear a yellow with white polka dots short sleeves above my knees with dark orange legging below knees level.I hum one of Amatsuki song from Heloo World Album but still keep my step not skipping.

~Time skip by Hello My Story~

At the market,I pick the groceries based on the list given to me.Finish choosing,I pay at the cashier and walk to home.Along the street,I see an ice cream shop and thinking how hot it is today,I decided to buy one.I saw my favourite ice cream on sale."give me one of that ice cream" "can I have that ice cream" I see two finger point at the ice cream.One mine and the other one is more bigger than mine.I turn to my left to see a tall light brown hair guy wearing a knitten scarf and a black spectacle.He look at me suprise.We said the same thing at the same time!"umm...miss and mister,we only have one more for this ice cream" the seller said to us.I'm not going to give up on it! "umm-" "please give the ice cream to her.I'll buy this one" He cut me off."hai!This is yours" he take the ice cream and pay to the seller."arigatou" he said to the seller.I just watch his actions,still shock about what he just said.He turn to me and smile,then walk off."miss,do you want the ice cream or not?" "h-hai!" .My face was red and my heart go 'doki!' when he smile at me.

After paying the ice cream,I try to catch up to him that is still not far.Of course,holding my ice cream carefully."Um!" I call out to him.He look at me "yes?" "um,arigatou!for the ice cream" I bow my head.He smile and said "Your ice cream going to melt" "eh?ah!" I lick the part where it melt.He walk off again and wave at me "bye then" I stare at his back until it disappear from my sight."I'll go home then" I walk towards my home directions.Come to think of it,he look a little familiar.where is it?whatever.I hum IRONY song till at home.

~time skip after dinner~

I went up to my room and sit at my study table.Unlocking my phone password,I call my long-distance friend.we rarely meet because she study at college.She pick up my call,"hello?" "hi!Umi-chan,this is me,(f/n).Do you remember me?" "(f/n),in (f/n) (l/n)?" "yep!" "(f/n)-chan!did you get it?my present!Specially for you" "hihihi!I do get it.Anyway,how did you know I've been wanting to have that cd?" "maa...It's me afterall" "whats with that!haha" "ne (f/n)-chan,I want to meet you...There's so much thing I want to share about" "emm...I dont know yet but if there are something you want to share right now,you can.I always ready to hear even you love problems.Heehe" "arigatou (f/n)-chan!you see...."

We talk about our life at university,sharing our problems and other things too until we say goodbye to each other.I look at my clock."eh?11.30!that long?" then,I go to sleep.Oyasumi~

p/s:its hello world cd.

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