Chapter 4

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Melanie's Pov
I have two hours and two hours only to get ready and I still have no idea what I want to wear. I know I'll be wearing a dress but I don't know which one, ugh. I think I want to wear my pastel blue and pink one, maybe with my pastel blue shoes? Hmm. Yes, yes I think that will due. Maybe today's the day I'll find the most perfect daddy for me and everything will work out. It is my last day to be here anyway so I've already packed my bag, I've got my binky and LeeLee all ready to go. Where? I have no idea but I can only hope the next place is nothing like my last home.

Dean's Pov
Today's the day, it's Sunday so time for the open auction. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I really wouldn't mind finding the perfect little girl. I've only ever had one little before and she was so spiteful and rude. She was a fake little and only wanted me for my money, it was ridiculous. Just the thought of her, ugh it pisses me off. Okay, I need to calm down. Think happy thoughts. I've already set up my next babygirls room and gotten a wide variety of clothes and toys. I just can't wait. I wonder what her little age will be, or her name, or what she's passionate about. I just hope I can make her happy is all, that's all I want.


Melanie's Pov
Okay okay you've got this Melanie you can do this, just breath. Stay calm.
I kept repeating this to myself over and over again as I walked onto the stage, Mrs.Tiff said all we have to do is speak our name and curtsy neatly. The girl before strutted across the stage in a tight red dress and blew kisses when she got to the microphone. I'll never do that, I'm just so nervous. Standing at the microphone I go to say my name, H-hi, I-I'm M-Melanie. Then I quickly curtsy, accidently dropping LeeLee and scattering across the stage.

Dean's Pov
No.. Oh my god.. She was absolutely the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.. and her name gosh her name.. Melanie.. It sounded so sweet and crisp. She was the one, she had to be the one.

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