The Potion Master's Aprentice

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The year is 1983, and Severus Snape (age 23) is teaching Potions at Hogwarts for his second year.


Phoenix Folio is in her seventh year at Hogwarts and is on her path towards her dream job: to become a Potions Master.

The Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, had agreed to let her become Professor Severus T. Snape's apprentice in her sixth year, and now this year she is finally allowed to attend his classes with him to help instruct the students.

Over her time studying under Professor Snape, she began to grow a soft spot for him. His deep onyx eyes made her head spin with incomprehensible thoughts, and the way he spoke dug up emotions of deep desire and yearning. There was no denying her passion for the strange and moody man who dressed in all black.

Now, she would be with him even more often. She only attended three classes during the normal school year; Potions, Alchemy, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. During her open hours she sits in on Snape's classes and helps out wherever she can. After classes were done, she has Occlumency and Legilimency with Dumbledore at 8:00pm, and in her other free time she helps Professor Snape grade student's assignments, and does her homework.

Over the course of the year, Severus begins to warm up to her, but how far in is he willing to let her get? Brief smiles and general greetings lead to small conversations that eventually began to lengthen, and slowly, very slowly, his mask begins to crack, and yet, he still doesn't allow it to completely crumble...


The Potions Masters: Sequel to "The Potion Master's Apprentice"

Severus Snape, age 24, is starting his third year of teaching, and this time he will be accompanied by his former Apprentice, Phoenix Folio, as she will be starting her first year as his full-time assistant.

The conversations they held the year before continue as they continue to work together, and eventually Phoenix cannot take it any longer. Her feelings for her Colleague have fallen out of proportion, and are starting to disrupt her work with him.

Severus, catching this immediately, demands to know why her work has become rather spotty, and Phoenix lets loose all control she has.

She kisses him.

How will he react? Where will they go from there?

Only the writer knows ;) come up with your ideal ending.


Hello! I haven't posted an idea in a while, so here's part 103! I hope you like this and I'm looking foreword to possibly reading it in the future if someone uses it. Otherwise if no one does I'll have to come up with my own ending. xD Please vote if you like the idea and are interested in it, and leave a comment if you would like to use it! Thank you!(:

P.S. Young Severus Snape can be played by Mick Ignis (He plays that role in "Severus Snape and the Marauders". Just a suggestion.(:

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