Zoe's POV

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Alfie grabbed my hand and pulled me along across the busy streets, cars honking at us as we ran, laughing.

"Allfffiiiieeeee," I whined," Wait up!" As I ran to catch up with him.

"Hurry little one, or we will miss the train back to Brighton!" He said.

After paying for our train tickets, we boarded the train and took a seat by the window. Because it was late, we  were the only ones on the carriage. I stared out of the window at the trees and houses as we travelled past. I didn't know what made me but I slid out of my seat and next to Alfie who was opposite me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

I awoke to someone tapping me on the shoulder.

"C'mon Zoe, this is our stop." Yawned Alfie as he moved to let me pass.

"Are we in Brighton?" I asked curiously.

"Yup! I can't wait to show you around!" He said.

*At Alfie's house*

"Wow" I said as I stepped in. Most of me expected it to be messy, with crisp wrappers and Coke cans everywhere, but I was wrong. It was by far the nicest, cosiest apartment I have ever seen. Candles were lit in the windows with cute little potted plants, cosy leather armchairs and a big flatscreen TV. The kitchen and living room would've been connected if it weren't for a breakfast bar with spinning stools on one side and a mini oven on the other. Through the hallway was three rooms. Alfie's, and two others. I had barely taken my coat off when the South African boy I remembered from the meet up strode in, straight past me and into the kitchen. After digging out a Coke, he slumped down on the sofa and flicked through the TV channels.

"Zoe, meet Caspar. Caspar meet Zoe" he said.

"Hey! Zoella right? I'm Caspar Lee"

"Nice to meet you Caspar!" I said smiling.

After about an hour of watching TV together, Caspar went off to bed, leaving me and Alfie.

"Let's watch a movie!" I said.


After much debate, we settled on watching Paranormal Activity. It wasn't scary, in fact it was probably the tamest horror movie I've ever watched, but any excuse to cuddle up to Alfie, pretending to be scared. We ended up talking through most of it. I'd never noticed how great his hair looked.

After talking forever, Alfie brought out his phone and stared at the message on his phone screen. He looked at it in horror and looked at me in shock. I started to feel really self conscious and looked down at my toes.

"Uh Zoe..." Alfie said.

He showed me the screen and on it I saw the words 'I really like you, we should go out sometime.' My heart had started to beat really fast. I made the mistake of looking at who it was from, I froze... It was from Joe.


Will Alfie end up with Joe? Read on to find out! By the way, we know Joe isn't gay in real life it is only part of the story

~Millie xx

Zalfie: Love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now