Just Hold On

111 11 37

He was with her again

I didn't like her because I knew she was bad for him.

She just kept dragging him down with her.

She was selfish and destructive

She didn't care that he was killing himself

I use to wonder why she didn't care

Then i realized as time went by that, she didn't care because she couldn't care

She was far way worse than he was.

Everyone in town knew that she did hardcore drugs

She was the outcast of the outcast

She was half dead already but he...

He didn't do anything else except smoke cigarettes and drink liquor

He wasn't a saint but he by no means was as dead as she was

I was bound to know this because he lives across from me and I always see him up and about at all hours of the night

They started arguing like always.

She slapped him, push him, and screamed at him just how she always did.

He pushed her off of him and kept trying to grab her hands to keep her from hitting him.

He even yelled back at her and as he did that, she looked over to where i was standing

She looked at me and started yelling at me as if i had done something to her

'What the fuck?' was the first thing that ran through my head as i stared at her in shock

"Bitch what are you looking at?! Are you stupid?! Stop looking! Stop it you whore before I knock you out!" Her raspy voice screamed with anger in my direction

I remember when her voice use to sound so sweet

Now it sounded so awful to the ears

It sounded as if her vocal cords were bleeding for help

He looked at me with his dark blue empty eyes and heavily sighed before he spoke in his usual deep voice

"Leave her alone" he said tiredly grabbing onto her arm

"No! That bitch wants your dick and that's why she's looking over!" she shouted desperately for him to understand her irrational anger

I was starting to get mad because she had no right to speak about me like that

Before i realized my anger had gotten the best of me, i had spoken up defending myself

"Shut the fuck up, you crackheaded as, don't make me fuck you up hündin,  don't even start messing with me "

My voice had trembled with unfathomable anger towards her as I stepped away from the wall

I had let my anger get the best of me again

"Do something then bitch!" She shouted at the top of her lungs

"Maybe I will princess" I whispered harshly as I walked towards her

"No, stop, she's not herself right now" he said as he step between us

He looked down at me with an expressed i had never seen on him before

"Go home uh..." His voice died off as he thought of my name

"It's Caroline" I said looking up at him

"Caroline" he whispered with half smile

"My name is Ezra, now go home darling, i got it from here" he said looking back at her in annoyance

I took a cigarette out to try and calm my nerves

I hadn't smoked in a while, i had been trying to quite unsuccessfully

He grabbed my hand, surprise and wonder swirled in his eyes

"I thought you said these kill you" he said looking at me intensely

"Indeed but i never said I don't smoke them, now did i, blue eyed boy?" I said swiftly before walking away.

Just hold onWhere stories live. Discover now