Chapter 4. More than just heroes

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Hey everyone Starfire just got asked out by Robin and now it's up her to decide her descion.

Previously on Robin or Speedy,
Chapter 3. Thanks Robin.......

"Star I wanted to ask you something." He replied.

"Yes friend Robin."

He took my hand in his and stared straight into my eyes.

"Starfire will you go out with me?"

"Robin I......"

Robin's POV
"Robin I have a question." Starfire said curiously.

"Yes Star."

"Um will you trust me to see your eyes just once?"

"Like now?"

She nodded and I nodded back at her. She put her hand on the edge of my mask and she peeled my mask off and looked into my blue sapphire eyes. She then noticed my eyes were betraying my emotions. Instead of being cool in front of her my eyes felt love and passion. I couldn't take it I have to tell her tonight.

"So Starfire what do you say will you go out with me."

"Robin I would love to do "the" outing with you." Starfire replied happily.

"I love you Star."

My mind: Wait hold omg I didn't mean to say that yet I was going to tell her when I was going to confess that I love her and want her to be my girlfriend. But I have a necklace for her when tonight going to be about me and her.

"Um Star why don't you get ready for the date."

"Yeah I'll go get ready Robin and I'll leave you go your dressing up then. I'll be out in 20 mimutes k."

"Yeah sure."

She left the room and she got ready for the date. I went to my room and got ready. Starfire takes her time to get ready she always look beautiful everytime.

My thoughts: She's awesome. I'm somewhat cool. She's hot and I mean smoking hot and goregoues. Unlike me I may seem fun but I'm sometimes also lame. I mean I had a bad life since my parents died and all I can remember from that is when I witness their death on the trapeze. Wait hold on I need to get ready for tonight.

I just got done getting dressed for the date and just in time to catch Starfire in the hallway. She looked at me walking out my room. I took her hand in mine and we walked out into the living room. The others saw us walking out into the garage and we got on my R-cycle and drove off on our date at a Italian restaurant.

After dinner we went to the park and walked around and chat.

"Um Star I have a confession to make."

"Oh go on I'm listening."
"I'm afraid of something Star."
"What are you afraid me?"
"That's just it."
"What me?"

"No Star I'm afraid if I ask you this you might reject me."

We finally sat on my R-cycle looking at each other.

"Robin I would never reject you are my best friend."

"I want to be more than just friends Star."

"What do you mean Robin?"

I got off my R-cycle and hold her hand in mine and ever so slightly moving her closer to me. I pulled out her necklace and she gasped.

"Starfire will you be my girlfriend."

"Robin yes I'll be your girlfriend and we celebrated with a kiss in the night and we went back to the tower for the night.

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