Chapter 5. Almost lost you

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Previously on Robin or Speedy, Chapter 4. More than just heroes.

"Um Star I have a confession to make."

"Oh go on I'm listening."
"I'm afraid of something Star."
"What are you afraid of me?"
"That's just it."
"What me?"

"No Star I'm afraid if I ask you this you might reject me."

"Robin I would never reject you are my best friend."

"I want to be more than just friends Star."

"What do you mean Robin?"

Robin got off his R-cycle and hold Starfire's hand and ever so slightly moving her closer to him. He pulled out the necklace and she gasped.

"Starfire will you be my girlfriend?"

"Robin yes I'll be your girlfriend."

Robin's POV
I heard someone scream. It's still the middle of the night. I heard Starfire scream once again but more louder. I ran out to her room and she was gone. No sign of her. I looked high and low for Starfire but she's not here.

"STARFIRE." I screamed at the top of the lungs.

Raven's POV
I heard Robin screaming Starfire's name. I got up and ran out my room. I saw Robin on his knees. I walked over to him.

"Robin what's going on?" I replied confused.

"Starfire's gone." Robin said sadly looking at me.

"Let's go find her." I replied.

Me and Robin went searching for Starfire and then we heard a scream in a warehouse. It sounded like Starfire so we busted in and there's Starfire.

Starfire's POV
I heard the door open I also heard a voice crying out.

"Starfire." I heard Robin.

Robin untied me out the ropes and he embraced me in a long passionate hug then I heard a gun shot and Robin had moved me out the way and he got shot three times to his chest and one to his knee. He blacked out.


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