Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Love interest

"Be my everyday girl" Kendall sang on stage. I sat there in the crowd singing along. "I'd like you guys to met my everyday girl" Kendall says He puts down he guitar. I stand up waiting for him to reach his hand for me but he reached for a girls hand a few rows over from me. "Remember Ally my amazing opener" my heart starts to race. I'm his everyday girl. "Well she's my NEW everyday girl" he plants one long ass kiss on her. My heart stops I'm frozen in place until I faint, crashing on to the floor.


I scream and shoot my body right up. Another nightmare of losing Kendall. My breath and heart as sped up. I begin to cry historically.

Kendall runs into the room intently pulls me into his arms. I cry into his shoulder as he try's to calm me down.

"I don't want to lose you" I choke out. "You'll never lose me Lucy. I'm yours, no one else's. I love you so much, that will never ever happen"

Just hearing his voice calms me down a little. I continue to cry until there were no more tears left.

Kendall picks me up bridal style, Carries me to the kitchen then sits me down on the counter.

I grab 2 hot chocolate packets from the cabinet, and starts to make it.

I sit there looking at my reflection in the mirror on the fridge. My eye's were red and puffy and really my whole face was burnt red. My tears left my mascara in streams down my face. I looked gross. I grabbed a napkin and tried to fix myself up a little.

I put some cold water on the tip of the napkin and dapped my face with it to bring down the redness and to wipe off the mascara.

I didn't even bother to try smiling. the memories I had left from that dream ran throw my mind. It all felt and looked so real.

Kendall has 3 openers on this tour and that girl Allison is one of them. She was flawless, completely perfect! I was jealous of her perfect-ness.

Thats why I'm afraid Kendall is going to leave me for her. I'm not going to around him for a long time and they will be spending a lot of time together.

God I'm just scaring myself shitless.

I watch Kendall as he hands me a mug full with hot chocolate and sits next to me on the counter. "Wanna talk?" He asks, taking his free hand and linking it with mine. I nod "that dream I had was you picking Ally over me. Thats my fear when you leave, that you'll find her better then me and leave for her" I stair at my hot coco not wanting to see his reaction. "That will never happen. No girl in this world could ever compare to you! Your everyday girl" I force a smile "I wrote that song about you, no one can replace you and think of it this way, every night when I'm singing that song on stage I'll be think of you, when I pick and sing that song to a girl every show I'll be seeing you next to me"

I blush, he always knows how to cheer me up. That was really sweet, I just hope it stays true this whole tour.

We sat there together our hands staying linked for a while and just enjoyed being together.

"Come on we have to pick up your car and get you home" He helps me off the counter kisses my forehead and grabs his car keys.

As we leave his house some paparazzi were outside the tall gate around Kendall's property. I kept holding his hand. I hid myself the best I could from the paparazzi. He notices an raps his arm around me using his body cover me. Till we got in the car.

Yes the public knows were dating but I hate this lack of privacy we have. Do you really think I want pictures of me looking high and wearing Kendall's pants and shirt. No! Kendall knows it bothers me when the paparazzi invade us. He knows I hate having my picture taken. He try's to protect me the best he can but now that he's leaving I'm going to have no one save me from them.

We drive out of the gates and to the club. My car wasn't moved, Kendall presses his lips on mine for a hot minute before saying goodbye. He waits for me to leave before he does so he can be sure I'm safe.

He was very protective of me. He knows I get so much hate for dating him, and the worst was the one time a group of rapid fans almost full out attacked me. It upsets me that people just can't except the fact were happy and love each other.

I sigh and lean back in my seat.

At a red light, i pick up my phone and see if I have any new texts

One from my manager

Manager - tomorrow 9am you have your first table reading for the movie. You'll be meeting your co-star and other people in the movie

Well at least I have something to took forward too.

When I get home the first thing I do is take a shower, to get rid of the stench off alcohol on my body. I wanted to nap after but I was afraid of closing my eye's and have another nightmare.

Kendall was now at tour rehearsal now till late. They have been making him stay longer since the tour kicks off in only one week.

One week. The last week I have with him.

I shake my head and get dressed. I go sit in my living room and pop in a movie. I sit there and stair blankly at the screen just thinking.

*knock knock knock* My front door opens my best friend Kimberly walks into my house. "Hey hey heeeey" He runs over and gives me a hug. She flips she long blonde hair back behind her shoulder taking one good look at me and can tell in upset and stressed. "Baby girl you need to relax and thing positively on this Kendall situation" She says in her southern accent. I did mention she's from Nashville right?

"I have 2 free coupons for this new amazing spa every ones talking about, I think we should go" I continue to stair blankly into space. "Here's your Shoes" she slips them on my feet "now lets go before you completely space on me" She pushes me up and out the door.

.........The Next Morning.......

That spa Kimberly took me too worked! For only an hour...

I was up again all night afraid to fall asleep.

I was just a mess.

Its now 8am, a full 24 hours without sleep. And I was meeting my cast in one hour and I look like I need help.

I took a shower, blow dried my hair and straightened it. But on a simple pink sun dress and did little make up.

I looked descent I guess. I looked at the time 8:50am, I got in my car and drove to Starbucks, I was going to be late anyways so I didn't really matter if I stopped here or not.

"Lucy your 20 minutes late! Get your ass in there" my manger whisper yells at me. Shoving me into the reading room. Everyone stops there conversations and looks at me. Mt cheeks burning red with embarrassment I go and sit in the chair that says Lucy Stars and avoid eye contact with everyone.

"Lucy you made it. I'd like you to meet your love interest/ co-star in the movie" The directer says gestures to the boy next to me "James Maslow"

Can't Choose (James Maslow/Kendall Schmidt) [Story is paused]Where stories live. Discover now