Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"I remember you" i said I shook his hand "you were in a band with Kendall Schmidt right?" He nods "I heard you guys were together, I've seen you on MTV and stuff"

"Yup we've been together for a while now, in fact he leaves for tour in a few days"

My voice drops at my last few words. "And your bummed cuz you can't go with him?" I nod "I'm good at reading people" I says before the table reading begins.

I didn't know he was good at reading people. I wonder what else he's good at? Beside's singing and acting of course.

I tried to keep my mind on the reading the best I could but i was just in la la land like always. But by reading this script all I know is I make out with this boy. A lot.

One of my Thoughts is how Kendall is feel about this, me kissing one of his best friends multiple times.

If I remember I'll tell him right as he's getting on the plane to leave, so I don't have to be left with his reaction.

"Lucy your the next line" the directer said aloud, I snap back into it and read my lines


These few days have be interesting for me I made a new best friend James, and Carlos, Kendall's friend, just got engaged and I'm a brides maid for Alexa. That put me in shook real good, me and Alexa were close but I never thought she'd put me and a brides maid.

And now was my last day with Kendall #crys . He leaves tonight, I made James drive me and Him to the airport, James came in with us but left us alone.

I held Kendall's hand was we say around and waited for his flight for a few hours. I raped my arms around him and squeezed him tight when his flight was called "Flight 111 to Los Vegas is now boarding"

"I have to go" He said sadly I saw a tear in his eye and mine were already filled with tears they begin falling down my face landing on his shirt. "I know..." You could tell I'm broken down. I raped my arms around his till we reached the terminal that read "111 Los Vegas"

He turned around to me taking both of my hands into his and said "now remember YOUR my everyday girl Lucy, Just because I'n singing it ti thousands of other girls doesn't mean I'm still not singing it to you, I love your dearly Lucy, no one can replace you in my heart" He began Tears dripped down my face "you are going to try your hardest in this movie, and get it 5 stars. I will be calling you when I miss your voice, so never put it down cuz I'll be calling you every 5 minutes. I love you"

"I love you too" I choked out. He cups my face using his thumbs to wipe away my tears, looked me deep in the eye's, leaned in close and kissed me softly. He let go wen the final call for flight 111 was called "I'm gonna miss you" I hugged him again before he boarded the plane.

I turn around James is standing there with open arms which I race right into. There song Worldwide replayed in my head, as I cried into James shoulder. And watched Kendall's plane fly away.


Another short chapter sorry .-.

I need to get this part out there, and just so everyone knows I didn't get Carlos and Alexa engaged cuz of their engagement rumors, yea i know there not engaged but I really wish they were so I made them engaged "HAHA POWER -Griffin"

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