Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I Couldn't Help Myself

the day slowly passes by I decided to sleep in longer a let James go down stairs to watch tv.

After an hour of my just lying there I finely decided to get up. I take a shower.

I spend a good 20 minutes in there, i washed my hair for 15.

After I get out I finished cleaning my face, brushed my hair, and teeth than got dressed

Sports bra, yoga pants, and a baggy side T-shirt just my perfect style.

My stomach grails at me I remembered I haven'y eaten in almost 2 days.

I walk down to the kitchen. Look into the fridge


Oh wait! I have milk and cookies! My favorite!

I couldn't help but ti stuff my face with them almost finished the though box of cookies.

I dance and singing around the kitchen looking for more snacks since I'm still so hungry.

I hear a low chuckling from behind me

"James! I forgot you were hear, sorry" I say in embarrassment, my cheeks burnet red.

"Don't worry thats the more entrainment I've head in hours" he chuckles again

My cheeks still red, I didn't know what to say

Awkwardness fell over us again

"Umm I checked the weather and they said its going to bad out till sometime pasted midnight"

"Oh really" I said looking at the window to the storm

"They even said there be some power outages, in our area"

Just as he said that, my power goes out.

"Good call" I say looking for drawer i have my flashlights in.

"James you still there?"

"Yea, I'm looking for a flashlight"

"Ahh I got one here"

I followed where his voice led.

I finely dump into him.

"Here" i give him his flashlight.


I found my phone and attempted to call someone but no signal

"Hey James can you get a signal?"

No answer.


Still no answer.

"Your scaring me please answer"

Still nothing, I bit my lip trying contain myself

"James where did you-" something grabs my from behind and picks me up

I scream "what the hell, put my down!"

"Relax relax its just me" he laughs putting me down

I slap his arm, he continues to laugh

"Thats not funny!" I attempt to go to my room but trip over my shoes he catches me.

"Now I'm questioning how you could see me, when its still pitch black out"

"Hello flashlight"

Metal Face palm to myself. Dah dumbass

"Ha, ha"

I can just see a bit of his face from the lint of light coming from the flashlight.

Right at the moment I couldn't help myself

I brought his face in my hands pulled him into me.

Kissing central

I let go "I-I-I umm its getting late I'm going to bed"

I drop out of him arms and run ti my room, and lock the door.

"I am such an idiot. I'm sorry Kendall" i began to cry

Can't Choose (James Maslow/Kendall Schmidt) [Story is paused]Where stories live. Discover now