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"So we can just start with the basics. When did you start noticing Michael do or say strange or unusual things? Well, let's just hear a little background about you two." The psychologist asked. Maya was sick of these meetings. Sick of these offices, these doctors. They never helped and never will. There was no helping Michael because it wasn't Michael, it was her. 
"It's been happening for as long as I can remember. When we were little we used to play together all the time, Michael, My big sister and me. He lived across the street from me, we practically grew up together. But he was always sort of..distant towards me, I always thought it was because," she paused. "Well I thought it was because I was Black. His parents didn't seem too fond of his best friend being the black girl from across the street. But at we grew older it was very apparent that that wasn't the case." She took a deep breath in before continuing. "Michael used to have this ...imaginary friend. He used to tell us her name was Evelyn. Everytime he would do something that was considered bad when we were little he would simple say 'Oh Evelyn made me do it' or 'I didn't do it Evelyn did.' This Evelyn character just seem to stick and wouldn't go away as he got Older. I remember his parents taking him to doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with him but it never seemed to help. Michael would get so frustrated and angry that some nights he would just camp out at my house with me and Ebony. And... And now I know the truth I know why he did it."

Maya stopped, it seemed like she couldn't breath. " I guess this is why Ebony didn't show." As time went on her sobbing got heavier and heavier the doctor decided to give her a break, he wanted to talk to Michael.

"Now Michael for the past few weeks you've given us the same answer, Evelyn made you do it. "

"She did.." he muttered. "Why won't anyone believe me? You've got to believe me." Michael said frantically.

"I believe you Michael." The doctor lied. "Now Michael, Maya said despite being best friends she figured that you were always really distant towards her. Any reason why?"
"Um, my parents didn't really approve of us being friends. I like to tell myself that it wasn't the whole race thing, but I know it was. You would think in the year we live in that wouldn't be a problem right?" Michael gripped the seat. "Society is ridiculous isn't it?" He said quietly.

"Did Maya have a close relationship with your parents?"

"What do you think? Listen why are you asking me all these questions about Maya? Is she here?" Michael asked frantically. It was nearly a year since he'd last seen her. "I miss her so much." He whispered with his head down.
"I have another question ." The doctor said. "How does Evelyn feel about Maya, does she ever get jealous of her?"

"No, not at all actually. She likes her in fact. She asks about her a lot actually." Michael smiled. " I guess since they're so similar they have similar personalities and kind of look alike I guess."

"Have other Doctors ever mentioned the term schizophrenia to you?"

Michael rolled his eyes. "I thought you said you believed me." Michaels said quietly. "I do, I was just curious." The doctor scribbled more notes on his notepad.

"One last question." The doctor said sighing.

"You have no problem speaking to or seeing Evelyn correct?"

"Yeah..." He said quietly.

"Then why can't anyone else?"

"Because she doesn't want you to see her. She's afraid that you'll take me away from her and we can't have that." Michael through clenched teeth.

"They want me gone..." Michael heard a voice. It was Evelyn's voice. Her voice always brought him comfort and made him feel safe . He always told people about how beautiful Evelyn was even though they couldn't see her. She had long dark curly hair with the smoothest caramel skin. And the most beautiful hazel eyes you could ever imagine. He simply adored her, even though no one else did because on occasion she made him do bad things. But he understood, she needed him and he needed her. Or atleast that is what she told him all his life. Him and Evelyn practically grew up together. Which is whe he was so in love, so attached to her.

"I won't let them hurt you." Michael said to Evelyn.

"Are you speaking to Evelyn?" The doctor said

Michael slowly nodded his head "She thinks you want to get rid of her."

The doctor was quite for a second

"Do you think it's possible for me to speak to her?"

"No, no, no, no.."
Michael repeated several times shaking his head. He tried to get up but he remembered all this annual meetings he was always handcuffed to the chairs. But he needed to get out before Evelyn caused any harm.

"They don't want us to be together.. They want you to get rid of me Michael." Michael heard Evelyn's voice again this thine she sounded panicked. He hated when she was like that. He knew there was good in her she just couldn't control it.

"Doc maybe you should get out of here."
Michael heard the high pitched ringing in his ears.

"Evelyn stop that's enough!" He screamed as he furiously tried to get out the handcuffs.

But he knew he couldn't stop her. He forced his eyes shut as he heard the doctor scream in anguish. Michael sobbed. He just knew that he'd never get out now. He'd never get out this asylum. The screaming stopped and he heard security bang against the locked door. Evelyn undid the handcuffs and hugged Michael tightly.

"Im sorry, please don't cry. I had to do it Michael. He wanted me gone." She whispered.

Michael nodded. "They'll never get you."

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