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It had been weeks since Michael talked to his friends. She had him trapped, completely isolated from a life outside of her. It was mentally and physically draining. He never felt anything but sickness. She had him locked in the basement, no one would think to look there.

"Michael you have to eat." Evelyn reminded him, it was three in the morning but Michael didn't sleep much anymore. "Not hungry." He said pulling his blanket over his face. Her strong cherry scented perfume gave him a strong headache. "Don't shut me out." She mumbled.
"Then don't shut me in." He replied lazily. His grades were slipping, his friends were very worried about him he hadn't been out the house in two weeks. All because of Evelyn. "Can I just have some time alone, please." He spoke slowly and drawn out.
Evelyn reluctantly complied, "I'm going to give you exactly 15 minutes. I'm going to get your medicine from the hospital, they've been expecting me since this morning, don't do anything you will regret."

Michael didn't reply and waited until he heard the door shut fully before sitting up. He felt dizzy, his head pounded, he was weak.
He picked up his phone which Evelyn didn't know he still had and dialed Maya's number.
"Michael are you okay?" She answered instantly. She called, texted, even came to his house and not a single reply from him.

"Hey." His speech slurred.

"Michael what's wrong? Why do you sound like that? Are you okay?" She spoke frantically. Michael could hear her pick up her keys in the background.

"Shhhhh. You're too loud." He spoke slowly with a faint chuckle in the end.

"Why are you talking like that?" She repeated.

Michael laughed, "It's the meds." He said.

"What meds what are you taking?" Maya said quickly.

"I don't know." He said.
"They're frying my brain."

"I'm going fucking insane in here." He laughed again, he could feel the tears roll down his face.

"Please let me out." He whispered.

"Where are you, please just tell me where you are." Maya pleaded.

"I can't." Michael said. And he hung up the phone.

"Michael? Michael?!" Maya yelled through the phone before rushing out the door. She borrowed her parents car and drove as quickly as she could to Avery's house.
She pounded on the door, "Avery open up!" She yelled.

Avery opened the door rubbing her eyes. "It's three in the morning Maya, are you alright?"

"Michael called, she's got him doped up on something I don't know what it is, he said she's frying her brain and that he's going insane, I think she has him locked somewhere and-" Avery cut her off. "You're talking to fast, slow down."
Caleb came down the stairs with the same half sleep look Avery had. "Is everything okay."

"Michael just called me." Maya repeated. "He said something about meds he's taking and how it's frying his brain."

"Avery we can't wait anymore, we have to perform and and we have to do it now." Caleb said.
"I agree." Maya quickly said.

"But I just think we should find something else." Avery said.

"If you're not going to do it I will go over there right now and do it myself." Caleb started grabbing everything he needed.
"Caleb you need three people how do you expect to pull this off alone?" Avery yanked him by his arm.
"I don't know, either I'll succeed or I'll die trying but I can't just stand around while that bitch who killed our parents just roams around tormenting people's lives Avery." Caleb yelled.

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