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The ringing of my alarm clock woke me up to another boring day.

I groaned loudly as I furiously tapped the screen.

"Snooze you asshole." I grumbled sleepily.

It was only 6am. I set it this early to see if I could hear if Matty was awake or not.

But today I got lucky again, I got too sleep for another ten minutes before his sobs echoed through my home.

I eventually crawled out of bed. Making my way to his room.

"I'm here, I'm here." I mumbled. Picking him up whilst he settled down. Sucking away on his pacifier.

I was trying to get him off it, you know saying 'oh the pacifier fairy wants it, you'll get chocolate.'

It worked for a day. I've been trying since. My mom usually distracts him when he's with her though. So that's handy. He doesn't have it all day, only for bed.

He muffled something that I couldn't quite understand.

"Matty take your pacifier out and mommy will hear you."

He spat it out onto the ground before saying "Mommy I'm hungry." Pronouncing hungry very cutely.

I sat him down in his chair before going to the cabinets.

"What do you wanna eat baby?"


I giggled. "you can't have chocolate for breakfast silly. How about porridge!"

"Meh!" He whinged. "Chocolate mommy please!"

I shook my head. Making him his porridge and waiting for it to cool down.

"If you eat all your porridge for mommy, I'll pack a bag full of chocolate for you to bring to grandmas, sound good?"

He nodded, huffing in his chair.

God he's so stubborn. If he wasn't only two and could put together more than three sentences I'd probably be receiving a lot of sassy talk right now.

I smiled before I sat down. Helping him as he usually attempts picking it up with his hands and spreading it all over his cheeks.

"Aeroplane!" I gasped, putting the spoon in his mouth.

"More more!" He giggled, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

After I finished feeding him, I changed his diaper, he should stop wearing them by next year. I dressed him for the day, setting him in his bouncy chair whilst he watched cartoons.

I took my chance to have an extremely quick shower, doing light makeup and getting changed for work, I also made myself a five star breakfast. Just kidding, I ate a banana. Go me.

When I returned, Matty began to get bored.

"Bored!" He pouted. Crossing his arms.

"Wanna go to grandmas now?" I smiled, picking him up and resting him on my hip.

"Grandma!" He cheered.

I giggled before grabbing the rest of my things. Making sure to pack his bag.

I did one last check that I had everything before making my way out the door. Ready for another day, doing the same things.


I finally made it to work on time. Checking in and saying hi to Rose and some other friends.

Carla and I, a friend who is also a maid. Made our way to the top floor to begin scrubbing rooms.

"Another day another agonising thirteen hours." I cheered sarcastically.

"Tell me about it. I've gotta start in this room, see you in 20?" She groaned as I nodded, slipping the card into room 103b. Ready to tackle the mess.

The smell of liquor and cigarettes filled the room. Oh god. Definitely a bunch of men stayed here.

There was empty condom wrappers all over the floor.

"Delightful!" I groaned, chucking them in the black bag.

After cleaning up and putting empty cans in the rubbish I noticed a mobile phone resting on the windowsill.

Who the heck forgets their phone?

I picked it up. It was a black iPhone6. I put it in the other bag I was acquired to have, I put the phone in the bag ready for lost and found.

Curiosity swiped over me as I picked up the phone. Something kept telling me to do it.

When the phone lit up I almost choked on air itself.

No. No freaking way.

Could it be? Nah it couldn't be her..

There was a picture of Dasha, she was sitting at a table with her head rested in her hands. She was wearing one of Denis's hats.

Oh no. Oh god no.

The cigarette quench, the liquor, the condoms.

I know who stayed here last night.

I threw the phone back in the bag and recollected my breathing.

Hopefully I was just overreacting. It probably wasn't even Dasha. The girl that ruined my relationship.

I cleaned the room as quick as possible before leaving.

"Hey Carla?" I asked, walking down the white walled corridor.


"Who stayed in room 103b last night?"

"You didn't hear?" She chuckled, touching her heart. Hopefully it was just some silly boyband.

I shook my head. She has no idea Denis and I were a thing. I don't want anyone to ever find out. It still upsets me that he's so idolised when in reality, he's an ass that abandoned his kid for a whore.

"Freaking Asking Alexandria" she shrieked excitedly. "I got my boobs signed by the lead singer! God he is so hot."

Fuck no.

Fault 2 // Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now