S i x t e e n

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We were currently at dinner with the guys. Pretending to be as happy as ever.

I got a simple salad, whilst the guys devoured steaks and fries.

Denis kept trying to rest his hand on my thigh under the table, which resulted in me pinching him, countless times.

"Wow this food is amazing." Ben groaned, a mouthful of steak.

I picked at my salad whilst the boys chatted. I wasn't even hungry. I just wanted to sleep. I could tell this wasn't going to be easy. They're gonna find out one day. Hopefully never, then I can go home and all this would be forgotten about.

I miss Matty. I keep torturing myself by wondering what's going through his little head right now, he probably thinks I fucked off for good. My poor baby.

"You okay, Lana?" James asked.

I perked my head up and nodded quickly. "Yeah why?"

"You don't look to happy to be here."

"Oh." I chuckled lightly. "I just miss Matty, that's all."

He nodded understandingly. "You'll get to see him soon love."

I smiled lightly and continued playing around with my salad, sticking a forkful of lettuce in my mouth every now and again.

"Right, we ready to go?" Ben asked after we all payed, even though Denis insisted on paying for me. He thought it'd make us look even 'realer.' I think he was just trying to be a gentleman, he hid it well.

We headed back to the hotel, saying goodnight to each other before heading to our separate rooms.

"I'm exhausted." I muttered, taking out my earrings.

"Me too." Denis chimed.

I took off my makeup with some wipes and applied moisturiser.

Denis had no problem with getting into his boxers right in front of me.

"Denis!" I groaned.

"What?" He smirked. "Nothing you haven't seen before."

"Do you really have to sleep half naked beside me?"

He nodded and chuckled. "Yep. Deal with it baby."

I rolled my eyes, yet again.

Fine, two can play this game. I took off my dress right in front of him. His eyes burning into me.

I strolled over to my suitcase, taking out a tank top and some pyjama shorts, before putting them on.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare?" I smirked before hopping into bed.

"W-what? I wasn't I- uh yeah."

"Goodnight." I simply said before turning off the bedside lamp and drifting away, extremely close to the edge of the bed.


I awoke the next morning exactly where I fell asleep, at least he didn't try anything.

I looked over my shoulder to see Denis fast asleep, his mouth hanging open.

I smiled. Wait- what?

I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows, getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom. I did all the necessary stuff before heading back into the room, Denis was now awake, typing away on his phone.

"We leave in 20." He simply said.

I just nodded and decided to get ready, throwing on some leggings and a cropped jumper, not really caring how I looked as id be stuck on a bus whilst they perform.

I tied my hair up loosely before slipping on my ankle converse.

I put everything back in my suitcase and sat on the bed, taking out my phone to FaceTime Matty, which his Nanny and I agreed on.

After a couple rings she picked up, Matty on her lap giggling.

I smiled sadly. "Hey baby boy!"

"Mommy!" He squealed.

"How is he?" I asked Veronica.

"He's actually great." She smiled, "a little upset last night but other than that he's a pleasure to mind."

I grinned, "that's great."

"Is that Matty?" Denis asked as I nodded.

"Yeah. Wanna talk to him?"

He nodded and sat beside me, waving at Matty.

"Dada! Mommy!" He giggled.

"I miss you baby, I'll be home soon."

"Hey bud!" Denis said.

"Dadadada!" Matty sang, scrunching up his fingers, it was his attempt to wave.

"I hope you're being good!" He jokingly warned.

"I play! Bye bye mommy and dada."

He then whined for Veronica to put him down as she did so, chuckling lightly.

We then exchanged goodbyes and I put my phone on the bedside table.

"Denis. You don't need to sit beside me anymore." I warned.

"I know, but I want to." He smirked, not leaving my side.

"Gosh you're so annoying."

"Really? You love it." He winked.

"I do not." I protested, facing him.


I could feel our faces becoming closer, what the- are we about to kiss?

Our lips almost met, that was until there was a pounding knock on the door.

My eyes widened as I realised what was happening, I almost ran to go answer the door.

"H-Hey Ben." I smiled, letting him in.

"Hey love. Looking great." He greeted. "Denis! Get your shit together bus is outside!"

"Okay, okay." He groaned, we both grabbed our things, making sure we had everything before following Ben.

Why on earth did I almost allow Denis to kiss me!?

I hate him. Right?

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