Broken Promises

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Raph grabbed the bottle of hot sauce from the cupboard, sprinkling it on his bowl of late night rice.
He'd only slept for an hour or so before he'd woken up and was unable to go back to sleep. He sat on the couch, turning on the TV.
He sat in silence for several minutes before he heard a noise coming from behind him. He turned to see Mikey curled into a hall behind the couch crying.
"Mikey?" He called softly.
Jumping, Mikey quickly wiped his eyes on his hand. "Hey Raph." He turned, a forced smile on his green lips.
'He's always so happy' Raph thought. 'Who knew he could be the saddest of all of us?' He jumped over the back of the couch, crouching down and hugging his younger brother. "What's wrong?" He asked the orange masked turtle.
It took a while for Mikey respond. "I'm afraid that one day... We won't come back to the lair," he whispered.
"Mikey..." Raph murmured, wrapping his arms around his emotional younger brother. "I'll always protect you. You don't have to be afraid. I'll make sure you always make it home."

Raph stood in the edge of a building in New York. Foot bots still sizzled with electricity behind him. The stench of blood hung over the scene over his shoulder.
He'd promised Mikey and he'd failed him. Behind the red masked turtle lay his three brothers, dead and unmoving.
Raph clenched his sais, looking up at the sky with tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I'm so... So sorry Mikey..." He whispered into the wind.

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