[D/FF] ι αм ησ [ⓜⓐⓢⓣⓔⓡⓟⓘⓔⓒⓔ] 2/5 GOKUDERA HAYATO

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ι αм ησ [ⓜⓐⓢⓣⓔⓡⓟⓘⓔⓒⓔ]

Gokudera Hayato

© iiCloudz-x

 "Judaime!" The silverette yelled, running to catch up to his precious tenth. "G-Gokudera" The brunette stuttered, still shocked from almost seeing a fight occur.

"Sorry about the wait, Judaime, some fat cow tried to hassle me. I didn't know what to get so I got you some melon bread!" He stated ignoring the fact that the fat cow was the one who told(yelled at) him to get the melon bread.

The worried brunette did his best to ignore the harsh words coming from the silverette, and it worked in his favour since melon bread was his favorite. "A-ah, thanks Gokudera-kun, I love melon bread" He took the bread from the silverette.

Gokudera smiled as a result of the satisfied face on his precious tenth. He couldn't help but feel that he should  thank you.



"Yato, Leana, Ren, stop running!" you hissed through gritted teeth. School ended half an hour ago and you just finished picking up Yato from elementary school, Ren from boxing practice, and Leana from day-care.

You gave them the usual small talk of how school was and they all responded with okay, expect Ren who began to tell you a long story of how he punched harder than anyone in his school and how he wanted to become just like his coach.

You smiled at for him, Ryohei was one of the few people you were able to befriend today which was even better because he went to your school. Ren was about to tell you more about how he really admired his coach until his brother interrupted him.

"We want ice-cream!" Yato yelled, loud enough to scare his younger sister, Leana, into tears. You sighed and picked her up, all whilst giving Yato a warning glare. Ren, who was the second oldest scoffed, obviously wanting to start something.

In your attempt to coax Leana into a calmer state, Ren and Yato were hissing insults at each other, some passer by's give you looks of sympathy and others looks of disgust for your management of them.

"Ren. Yato. Stop screaming." You sighed.

They both ignored your warning and continued calling each other names. It wasn't until you noticed how much more annoyed Ren was than normal. You acknowledge his fist at his side, clenching and unclenching as if sending Yato a silent warning. Yato, being the airhead he was, didn't care and continued slandering his older brother.

No, he wouldn't hit him. Would he? Ren had the second calmest demeanor after Leana. Your question was soon answered when Ren got into his boxing stance and was about to throw a punch at Yato.

Eyes wide, your impulsive side took over and you stepped in front of Yato, making sure to push him away. Ren's punch made direct contact with your ribcage, just  missing Leana.

You doubled over in a matter of seconds.

Ren stood shocked at the scene, same with Yato. Leana was poking your face to make sure you were okay. Some people wondered if they should call someone but after a moment you waved them off with your hand.

"God. Guess Ryohei doesn't joke around with practice, huh?" you spoke below a whisper.

"[N-Name], are you okay?" Yato asked clear panic in his voice.

You were more than irritated but you did your best to fight back the scream that was gonna form. "Yeah, just peachy," you hissed, you set Leana down, making sure she was unscathed before getting back up.

Biting your lip. You held back the groan of pain. 'God, I wanna punch both of you'. You pushed back the impure thought and looked at the ice-cream parlor that was a few meters away from the hospital and park.

"You guys wanted ice-cream, yeah?" You whispered again. They nodded. "Great. Here's ten bucks. Get your ice-cream and wait at the park, okay." you spoke completely serious. They scurried off into the park, Ren carried Leana, while Yato sprinted to the ice-cream parlor.

After a couple seconds of gaining your composure, you walked into the hospital. Minutes turned into half an hour and then a full hour until you came out, a medicine bag in hand and a bandaged torso under your school uniform.

"One badly bruised rib cage, and one almost fractured rib cage. Perfect." You hissed, turning into the park while playing with a utensil said to heal your ribs.

Once you were close enough you were glad to see that they were playing around like responsible children. Laughter filled the park making you smile. It also seemed to look like they made a new friend.

"Ren, Yato, Leana!" You yelled happily speed walking to them (It hurt to run). "Who's your new frie-"

You stopped just a few feet from them. Mouth agape at the sight.


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