[FF] Late Night Bite [ Ayato | Sakamaki ]

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                                               { : Late Nighte Bite: }

                                           A  Y A T O    S A K A M A K I 

                                                        © iiCloudz-x

 In an Alternative Universe where Yui wasn't as abused or frightened by Ayato but held little more of a friendlier relationship with Ayato.

I didn't think of anything (expect getting a new blood meal in) when it happened and quite frankly being pinned with a knife against my throat most definitely wasn't exactly how I imagined my first clubbing experience. Then again the only thing I did expect was the chances of me getting a meal.

The knife began to dig into my skin and I found it to be the best to sush my thoughts and focus on escaping.

"Listen, I have no clue what you want," I spoke as innocently as possible. What else was I supposed to say, the truth? 'Oh, I just thought that if I grinded against you a little bit you'd turn submissive and shit and let me suck on your blood', "but I immediately regret my decion of clubbing." I finished off.

The knife on my throat tilted foreword a little bit more and god did it burn. A small dribble of blood escaped my skin and the male leaned forward to catch it.

At this point my eyes widdened. I heard plenty of rumours before and hell I made sure to pay attention but of all things I had to get pinned down by a freaking vampire or blood lover. 

"Pleas stop" I voiced as I had a strong grip on the males red brown hair, he didn't even seem to budge when I pulled him back, acting as if nothing even hapened.

My anger rose once more as he removed the knife and placed his mouth on the cut it left behind. His tongue lapped up the dribble. I froze, he was most definitely a vampire

"Ayato!" A feminine voice squeaked from behind him.

The male halted his blood drinking and returned his gaze to a small girl behind him.

"chichinashi!" [1] He yelled in a mocking tone of her own. I unfroze and glanced at the two, making sure to give a thankful look at the girl.

"It's not chichinashi it's Yui, Ayato!" She pouted, "Anyway put her down before you do something"

"Yeah man, just put me down!" I chimed in with an idiot expression on my face. A fist nearly hit my face but I managed to crane it to the right just in time. "HEY YOU LITTLE SHIT-" I screamed when my neck began to hurt again, a light blood trail formed.  "Ayato!" Yui screamed. He threw another punch that I also managed  to dodge. 

"Ayato!" Yui scorned. Ayato released me and as much as I really shouldn't  have thrown a punch, I threw one. 

"What the hell are you, a cannibal! Did you not taste my vampire blood?!" I hissed

The male only smirked, it was at this point I realized that this man was a tease. and it was at that point that I wanted to stake the life out of him. 

"Yours Truly just wanted a late night bite" he smirked.

[1]- "chinchinashi" = Pancake 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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