[D] ✥ Pursue ✥ (1/3)

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                                         { : P u r s u e  © iiCloudz-x : }

                                                      P a r t  O n e

You sat down left leg crossed over your right, a juice box in your hand. Your friend looked at you.

"Ah~ I can't believe 2 Months since I've been a model!" She squealed in delight, her voice coming several octaves higher than before.

You took a sip of your drink before nodding. She's been after her dream for four years, so she honestly did deserve it. Although she made it seem like you haven't been going with her to her previous modeling training.

"How do you think I'm gonna do?"

You stopped drinking and uncrossed your legs, your face now more serious. You leaned over you legs a bit, lifting up your glaces, a shine emitted itself when you did so.

"Well. First you gonna get a rival, she's gonna blame you for stealing her opportunity and shit, then a male model's going to appear, and you going to unknowingly develop feelings for him. He's gonna like you back in a loving manner and you'll live happily ever after. As your manager, I believe this will happen. Actually... I'm not even your manager now that I think about it... Who is your manager anyways?"

Your friend looked at you a bit more before blushing slightly and fidgeting even more.

"A-ha-ha-ah" She laughed awkwardly, her face turning even more bright red. You dropped your juice box in result, your glasses now hanging from the tip of your nose.

"YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A MANAGER?!" you hissed, you hands slamming themselves flat on the table. Her mouth dropped and she also slammed her hands on the table


"..oh...Thats cool" You spoke quickly regaining your composition and sitting back down, picking up the dropped juice box.

"Just 'thats cool'? I NEED YOUR HELP HERE! What the heck am I suppose to say I-I don't think he even knows me!" She hissed quickly, circling around the table, her hands making weird motions.

"Then introduce yourself." You spoke, She glared at you, which, thanks to her model face, didn't look like a glare. "Easy for you to say you've been pursuing him and he's basically done the same to you!" You sighed and removed the straw from your mouth, leaning your body back against the chair.

"Look man, you're be okay, you beautiful little bastar-" She tossed another glare "-dina. A beautiful bastardina.. whatever the hell that is, Just walk up to him and say .'Hey I noticed you're a fellow beautiful bastardina, we should hang and be bastardina's together' or something like that."

She sighed desperately, "You don't understand! Ugh, just come with me"

She dragged you away and you shot one last glance at the tall building behind the cafe. Your eyes narrowed slightly, hopefully today would be the day.



You spoke looked at the scene of make-up, clothing, and models, EVERYWHERE. Your brain hurt just looking at their perfection. You looked down at your self. Oversized sweater, leggings and your favorite pair of shoes. Yup, you most definitely did not fit in. Especially with your short stature (compared to the others) 'I'm mother ducking beautiful', you assured yourself.

Sighing you were glad your friend made it up to you by buying you a pack of Juice boxes, of your favorite flavor of course. You reached into the messenger bag and grabbed one.

"Where exactly is this person?" You asked her, her eyes scanning the room while yours on the food stand behind her.

“Uhhh... Stay here! I'll try and find him” With that she quickly scurried her thin model legs away. You watched her for a moment before settling yourself on a chair, propping you legs up against your chest as you drank the juice box.

“Excuse me?” Someone had spoken to you, but you haven't heard them whatsoever. The said person coughed and earned your attention, you quirked a brow.


The male smiled slightly, “Are you a manager?”

You let your brow drop and took another sip, “Do I look like a manager?” He studied your form.


“Then no.” You bluntly stated continuing to sip your drink and eying the snack stand

“[NAME]!!! I COULDN'T FIND HI-” You lazily looked at your friend who looked like she ran 5 miles in a row, the male still in front of you also looked in her direction. “h-h-how d-did??” She wasn't even able to produce a sentence. Something in your mind click and you stopped drinking the juice,

“Oh, is this the guy?” You spoke monotonously while pointing to him for emphasis.

Her eyes quickly widened in embarrassment. Oh, she sooo wanted to hurt you, sometimes you were just densely stupid.

{ : | Part one end | :}

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