Chapter 3

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I fixed my room maybe 5 times. I fixed my bed, swept my floor, fixed my closet, and put all my stuffies neatly on my bed. I cleaned my living room and kitchen. I walk back to my front door to admire my work. "Thumbs up!" I laugh. It was 6:50 she's gonna be here in 10minutes! "Maybe I should touch up some things. I turned on the tv and put some coloring books on my kitchen table.
  I sprayed some perfume around the house. "ARAHHH, it's 6;56!!!" I looked at what I was wearing "IM IN MY FUCKING PAJAMAS!!"
I ran to my room in my closet. I put my white dress with a pink bow and some pink slip ons. I ran over to my bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag. I put on brown eyeshadow, eyeliner, pink lipstick, and pink/red blush. I put my hair into a bun. I ran into the kitchen and grab some liquor. I grabbed wine glasses out of the cabinets and made Italian pasta.
  I ran over to the door. 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..


I opened the door. Asumi was holding a pack of markers and a panda stuffie. "Omg, thank you so much!" I grab the panda stuffie and kiss his forehead and hug him. "Oh, I got some markers for your coloring book t00." There were pastel markers by Crayola. "OMG I LOVE PASTEL COLORS!" I hugged her and she hugged me back. "Come in!" I grab her hand and walk her inside. "Wow, your house is adorable." I start to blush "Thank you Asumi." We walk over to the kitchen. "Would you like some liquor?"I ask her "Yes please." She says. I pour her some liquor into the cup and hand it to her. I pour myself some too. I grab my markers "Do you want to color wif me?" I start to blush uncontrollably as I hand her the markers . Why are you blushing so mu-

I found her lips on mine. Then our tongues meet. She rests her forehead on mine . I start to blush crazily. She blushes too. "I love you Asumi." I said accidentally. "I love you too, Belle" she says with her eyes meeting mine. She kisses me and pulls up and grabs the markers " Of course I'll color with you." I smile. She grabs a purple " Hello kiwitty isn't purple!" I fake pout. "I'm sorry dearie" then she grabs a red and starts to color. I grab a green and I start to color the frog. She grabbed the pink and made blushes on hello kitty. "That's you and me Asumi." I start to blush a tad. She grabs me and looks me into the eyes. "Call me mommy baby".

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