Chapter 4

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My clock ringed and I woke up. I got up  and ran to the kitchen and got Fruit Loops and milk. I poured some Fruit Loops into the bowl. I grabbed a stool and stood on it because of how short I was. Then I opened the cap and very carefully poured it into my cereal. I put the cap back on and grabbed the milk and put it back into my refrigerator. "Yummy Yummy" I put my hand on my belly and made a circle motion. I grabbed a spoon and climbed up the stool. I ate my fruit loops and ran to my bed room to get ready for work.

"Hmmm what should I wear to impress mommy?" I felt my face smile and blush  when I said mommy.

I put on a pink laced dress with some white slip ons. Then I walked over to my bathroom and put on red lipstick with brown eyeshadow, eye liner, and some red blush. Then I put my hair (like aways) in a bun. I grabbed my blue bag and ran to my car. I put my keys into my engine and hooked up my phone to my radio. Bed of Roses By Mindless Self Indulgence played. (Good song and good band btw. ^w^)  "My life has never been a bed of roses. My life has always been a sad emotion.... Anyways" I sang. Then I drove to work. I parked carefully into the park space and took my keys out of the engine, Grabbed my bag and ran to the door. "Hi" I said to everyone until I got to my desk "Hi Eve" Ryan said with a smile. "I got coffee and a muffin for you." He handed me my coffee and muffin "Thanks Ry Ry!" I opened my muffin and ate it. Then I opened my labtop and got to work. After a few hours of working on my website I sat back and grabbed my bag and got my phone out. My phone started to ding. I got a message from my contact named ♥️asumi-love❤️ I clicked on her name and read her message "Please come to my office I have work for you and something to talk about." I texted back "Okie Dokie mommy!" I pressed sent kinda regretting calling her mommy on text but...who cares? I put my phone in my bag and grabbed my bag and put it on my shoulder. I walked/ran to the elevator, pressed up and heard a ding as I walked in. I pressed 5 and I leaned against the wall.


I walked out and walked over to Asumi's ass-holy secretary Lindy.
"Get in Smart As-"
Asumi was towering over her. "What were you going to call her?"
Lindy shook "Umm, uhmm well I was going to call her by her name Belle Marti-"
Asumi shushed her. "We'll see about that." Asumi grabbed my hand and walked inside her office. "Sorry, I need to do something with her ." I heard sniffles from outside the door. Uhrah,  I hate girls who cry at work.
"So um what were you going to talk to me about Mommy?" She sat down and motioned me to sit on her lap. I locked the door and sat on her lap and wrapped my arms around her neck.
"What do you think about coming to my house for the week?" She looked at me. "Sure!" I said
"I'll pick you up if that's ok."
"You can if you want, what time will you pick me up?"
"Maybe 7:30 enough time for you to pack your stuff you need"
I nodded. She sat up and kissed my forehead and got up. She handed me some work. "Love you Elle" she kissed me softly and pushed my head towards her. Our tongues find each other. She put her forehead on mine "I really love you.."  I nodded "I love you more" I kissed her nose and hugged her. We said our goodbyes. Then I unlocked the door and walked out waving.
    I went to the elevator and went inside. I got to my desk and went back to work.

Belle's In RealityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon