Part 7: Blood

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     Kaito held out his hand to me, and I took it hastily. He flashed a heartwarming grin at me, and I smiled in response. We began to trudge through the shin-high snow, which had fallen just last night. My mind was racing, thinking of all the possibilities of where Kaito was taking me. I bet this is going to be a lot of fun, I thought, not fully confident in my words. I was very excited, yet also nervous.
     Seemingly reading my mind, Kaito replied, "It's okay. I promise you'll have a good time." We remained silent for a long time, just trying not to drown in the snow. Suddenly, we came across a huge Christmas display. Pine trees made out of lights shined brightly, as did all kinds of light up displays. Couples held hands and laughed, children played tag, and people of all ages were ice skating on the pond. Carolers sang and the perpetually happy faces of snowmen could be seen everywhere.
     "Whoa, it looks so festive out here! Christmas hasn't been this exciting for a long time!" I cheered, bittersweetly thinking about how true my words were. Kaito replied, "Exactly, and that's not all. Look over there!" Kaito pointed to gigantic Ferris wheel. "It can hold two people per capsule. I thought it would be fun if we went together," he explained shyly. The thought excited me, and I immediately responded, "That sounds amazing! Let's go!"
     "Wait right there." An unknown voice came from behind me. "Don't you dare move." A wave of panic and fear flooded me, and I could feel a chill run down my spine. I glanced at Kaito, who looked just as upset as I did. My mind was racing with questions. Who is this person? What do they want with us? Are they going to kill us?
     "Do exactly as I say and you might live. Pretend like nothing is wrong. Act as if I'm one of your friends," the mysterious person told us. "Why should we do that?" Kaito hissed back.
     "Look, if you want to survive, you're just going to have to trust me for ten short minutes."
    "Okay, fine," I answered reluctantly. "But you've got to fill us in afterward."
    "Whatever... Just play along for now." I forced myself to talk to Kaito as if nothing were going on. However, I was panicking more than I ever had in my life. Kaito was trying to hide it, but I could see him shivering. We tried having a normal conversation about our performance, but with the strange person with a hood and shaded glasses made it very uncomfortable. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see someone walking toward our group.
     The hooded man seemed slightly upset by something. It was then that I noticed that the person walking toward our group was almost there. "Police! Don't move!" The hooded man shouted, drawing out his katana in the blink of an eye. The stranger pulled out a gun, and immediately shot at the undercover police officer. However, the cop deflected the bullet with his katana. The cop rushed forward and stabbed the hostile in the shoulder, causing him to drop the gun. He tried to run, but the cop grabbed him and swiftly handcuffed him.
     When I looked around, there were more men with guns. One of them shouted and the rest ran away. However, one shot the police officer. The undercover cop screamed, but then shouted into a police radio. More cops came running toward us; two took the handcuffed man and the other took the undercover cop back to a police car. The cop held his bleeding arm, and maintained communication with his team.
     Kaito and I were taken to the police station. The undercover police officer returned to the station just an hour after he was taken to the hospital. He walked up to us and grinned. "Hello. My name is Major Kamui. I know your day has been rough, but the good news is that those guys won't be causing you any more problems... Kaito."
     "How do you know my name?!" Kaito gasped, surprised.
     "Because I'm in charge around here, duh. Look, I'm friends with Meiko. She asked me to investigate this, and I found out those guys were going to attack you today, so as a personal favor, I got involved. Heh, and look what it got me." He gestured at his injured arm.
     "Thank you, sir," I said, not fully feeling like a simple thank you was enough.
     "No problem," Kamui answered. "You guys should probably go home. We can lock these guys up without your help."
    "Alright thanks again, sir." I stood up and bowed respectfully, and Kaito did the same.
Since the sun was down, we decided to head home. Kaito promised me to a date tomorrow, and I agreed. After that, I took a shower and went straight to bed. Today's events had tired me out and were definitely scary, but I hoped that tomorrow would be a good day. I went to sleep, completely blocking out any negative thoughts.

Oh, my dear reader-chans, I have returned from the depths of insanity known as "Writer's Block!" I hope that this part was worth the wait for you all. I swear that I'll update more, but my world is kinda crazy at the moment so I'll do the best I can. As always, thanks for reading. I will get back to you as soon as possible!
~ MedaiUzumaki

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