Le Petit Mort

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Guys, I had a dream I had a threesome with Adam Driver and another girl but I think in the dream both women were me. That's how selfish I am. But everything was as big and magnificent as I ever dreamed of.

Then two weeks later I dreamed that we were roommates and he was talking to me in the bathroom in just black boxer briefs and an open, thin black robe. I could stare at his beautiful body as much as I wanted and he didn't even mind. The world is a wonderful place! And it inspired me to finally finish this so I hope you enjoy! Xox - Z


"Lie down."

I walk gingerly, damp from the shower.

"Face down." I follow his orders.

He is dressed in tiny black boxer briefs that cling to his thighs. A soft bathrobe hangs open around his barrelled, smooth chest. His hair curls at the ends.

"Spread your legs." He's taking his time, eyeing me, assessing his options.


You hear him cross the room. He picks something up, runs his palm across its flat surface.

"Do you want to please me?"



He approaches.

"Should you have made me wait this long?"


"Should I punish you for making me wait this long?"

You pause. The need for him between your legs grows. You know he's on the edge so you're scared and turned on, simultaneously.

You hear the high-pitched ding of a ping pong ball bouncing on a paddle. He's playing? WTF?

This is not the way you'd always imagined this going down.

That grin of his, as he counts each ping pong bounce. 22, 23, 24. He's actually pretty good.

"That's a preview, darling. However good I am is how bad you're going to be."

He saddles up behind you, wraps a giant arm under your waist and pulls your ass to him. You're on all fours, feeling very exposed. He runs his hands gingerly along your very erect nipples, you can feel him pressed against you. You feel vulnerable, but safe in his care. He runs a giant hand along your throat, his ogre finger is in your mouth, the other grabs your ass.


He just spanked you with a ping-pong paddle. Is he fucking serious?

"Oh, you think I'm playing? I am not playing, my love."


Your ass smarts, your breath catches, warmth floods your senses and you let out a strangled moan. He grips the area where it's happened, runs a hand between your legs.

"That's two. In the military, the guys called me Ears 2."

You laugh. His ears are endearingly large, and he's always nervously tucking his hair behind them.

Boy - Adam Driver Kylo Ren FanficWhere stories live. Discover now