Chapter One

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Not edited, sorry, but soon! and first timer, first book! Yay happy reading lovelies! (and look to the right to see Nikki (Victoria Justice), She's so pretty!)

Pictures and Cast coming soonnn <3 please vote and comment :)


I dragged my suit cases up the concrete steps to my new penthouse. Wow, that sounds so luxurious and nice. My new penthouse in New York City.

...Just kidding.. kind of..

I'm living in a huge penthouse with nine of my closest friends. Before moving in, we had the whole place remodeled, so that there would be separate entrances to our sectors.

I suggested apartments, even tiny crammed studio rooms for rent. I wanted to live the New York City experience of any other 19 year old. (And picture coming back with the special someone, grabbing their collar, luring them in, while hastily shoving the key into the apartment door to do that special something. sigh. Yes, I have a right to dream.)  No one agreed with me, though, but they did decide on "sectors" which are like huge apartments with their own lock and key from the outside (yay! possibilities of a dream come true! oh and sorry for unleashing my inner whore back there, woo what was that all about?), and another door on the inside connecting us to the grand circular lounge. A broad corridor took you to a massive kitchen where we have a ton of food stored. It is massive. It is amazing.

Wow, when I describe where I'm living, I feel like a snobby rich whore in NYC.

I'm the exact opposite.

Hello, my name is Nikki Anderson. (I know what you're thinking..Nikki? Short for.. Nicole?)

NO no NO no NO no NO. Just kidding.. yes. But ew I hate it so much. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful name (according to many compliments by old substitute teachers in High School) but it's so fucking COMMON. I don't know about you, but in my town, I knew about 18 Nicoles.

Call me Nikki. (with two 'k's, not 'ck'.. 'cause you know.. that's how I rollll)

Okay that was weird. I rant a lot, don't I? Yeah.. MOVING ON...

I'm 19 years old and go to Cornell University. Most of the friends I live with go to NYU, or Art/Singing institutes. Some of my smartass friends go to Columbia as well. Kendall is the only other one from the house who goes to Cornell.

Woah. I know what you're thinking.

KENDALL? Like a Guy?! You live with a freaking guy?! Oh, you must've been talking about a girl named Kendall.

I'm not talking about a girl named Kendall.

What!? You fucking whore!

Yes I know :'(  jk

Okay things we need to clear up. 1) I am not a whore. that's what a whore would say! but really, I'm still a virgin. at nineteen. Not too common to spot a 19 year old virgin these days. 2) Yeah I have guy friends. 3) yes my close guy friends live with me WITH MY OTHER GIRL FRIENDS

I live with Christie, Marissa, Rayne, Lyssa, Kenzie, Kendall, Dylan, Jason, and Mike. I love them all so much. I used to be bullied, but ever since I met them in seventh grade, I didn't give two shits about the bitches and pops* of our school. They had been there for me when I needed them most. They all have their own stories, but they definitely made mine much happier.

(*pops- popular bitchy bimbo booty ass hoes / popular shitty douche manwhores)

But no matter how much you try and try and try to stay away from hardships, they keep coming back. because they're like dogs, if you run away from them, they WILL chasing after you. (and I'm talking about mean dogs, not the nice ones. Who wouldn't want sweethearts chasing after you?) High school was rough. You would try to smile, and hide all the pain behind it. You would cry a lot. You would worry about your figure, and your face. You would be a hormonal teenager. How do I know? Because I was one, and I went through it, too. Oh, who am I kidding, I still am a hormonal teenager and I still go through that shit. *sobs sob sob sobbb waaaa* (<-- that's what I'm talking about)

There was a lot that happened, but looking up to my new building, rotating my head as far as I could manage to see my beautiful new city, I knew that this was the beginning to a very special part of my life.

Of course, that's when I trip over my luggage whilst stepping forward, only to find my face in the crotch of.. I lift my hazy head up to..



OMG if you're reading this, then that means you most probably read all that shit up there ^^^

Awww that means so much to me, even if you completely hated it, the fact that you are reading my words oh god I'm so happy *fangirl moment!* (That's right, I'm a fan of you for reading this mwahahaha...that was weird I need to stop being weird..)

--- okay finally got off the crazy train.. I think.. lol but really it makes me so happy to know that you are reading this. Please vote and most importantly COMMENT, I really want to know what you like or hate about this book, I want to hear your suggestions so I can make this entertaining for all of y'all. (heehee I said "y'all" okay now im getting annoying, I'll stop.

Anyways, when I say PG-13, then I very much mean PG-13. Please don't be an 10 year old reading restricted words :( it makes me sad that I'm negatively influencing young minds.

This is my first book ever on wattpad, and I just want to have fun with it. I want you to have fun too! So comment so I can make it as fun for you as it is for me :)

So, please like (is there a like button on wattpad? lol idk) vote, and please please COMMENT.

(oh, and this is out of the blue... but I need help with a cover, help?! desperate!)

thanks, sorry this was long s hell, but if you read it then I love and thank you.

I'm so happy :) oh and this was a pretty short chapter wasn't it? compared to other books.. well sorry, first timer, I'll try to improve. I swear on the crotch that Nikki finds her face in. OMG THAT LEGIT WAS THE WEIRDEST FUCKING THING I EVER SAID I SHOULD STOP TALKING NOW.

Bye my lovelies, until next time,

--(I don't even know my username wtf I literally made it hurriedly to vote for Mr.Popular and I which btw is an amazing book and you should check it out)


Oh, and did I tell you I loved you? Because I love you, I very much have love for you for reading this. :)

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