Chapter Five

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Here's chapter five, continuing in Marissa's POV.

Happy reading my lovelies <3

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What the hell just happened. Was he.. was he.. checking me out?

No, why would he check you out? Out of all people, you!?

I hated my brain. But I couldn't help thinking like that, no matter how many times someone would tell me I'm beautiful, I never felt it.

I was waiting for someone to give me that feeling.

Someone who admired me.

Someone who loved me and didn't care what I had been through, or how I look, or my body.

Someone who would give me a reason to respect myself.

I'm not the fun, girly, rude (in the cool way), girl I pretend to be on the outside. Well, actually I am, but there is a dark side. A dark side I've been trying to put aside for so long. But it keeps coming back. And I can't stop it from doing that.

I want to believe that I'm pretty. I want to believe that I am sexy. Though all my friends tell me I am, I can never believe it. I remember those days that I would diet, and Nikki, one of my bestest friends, would scream at me for doing so. All my friends would tell me I'm thin as hell, but a couldn't help it but think otherwise.

There was always that background in my life that would drag me down, and I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted someone to make me believe the opposite. Someone who would make me forget. Someone who would make me feel like the happiest girl in the world. I mean I already have my friends, who are amazing, and kind. But more. 

I want to experience love.




That's what I want. Precious Love.

And I hope and wait and try. But it isn't coming.

I stroll into the lounge and casually pick up a towel from the mega sized closet filled with goods, hoping desperately to take my mind off Dylan by taking a bubble bath.  I entered the spa-like bathroom and flick on the Jacuzzi. I strip off my clothes and pour the bubble bath soap into the hot water.  I leave the door locked.


I walk out of my sector, dressed in white skinny jeans, a white dress shirt, and a light pink blazer. I head over to the huge main kitchen and make a delicious hazelnut macchiato with the Starbucks coffee packets stored in the pantry.

I close my eyes and breathe in the sweet fragrance of the just-made coffee. I take a few steps towards the exit, my eyes still partly closed, before I crash into someone.


I look up, to see it was Dylan. I widened my eyes in fear of being screamed at. My brand new blazer was ruined. His dirty shirt was ruined.. well, I don’t think it mattered too much to him. It was dirty, ripped, and plaid. I shuddered.

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