First Day of School

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Stiles POV

So here we go....... we will see if people will notice I got my best Derek Hale look going on..... got my hair up....spiked like him..... got sunglasses on ....... my jeep looks awesome...... so I'm ready for the new year.......I see two guys pull up on identical bikes..... really hot black crotch rockets..... and damn cute .... in the I wear leather jackets and ride motorcycles thing...... not my type..... but hey I wouldn't say no to some fun for sure......though one of them looks a littel crazy to me.... and are they looking over at my jeep? Oh well.........and on cue here comes ......well damn....... two for the price of one......Scott and Lydia arrive at the same time...... oh and look Allison is with Lydia..... well at least the bike area is far away from the car area....... so no bull shit there..... well hello.... damn I think I see Jackson's replacement...... that car is fucking awesome...... sleek silver...... Pagani Zonda..... wow never seen one of those before......only read about them......they start around 741, 000....... fuck me.... there goes me making an entrance..... oh well ....I don't want to be the douche bad that has the super sporty super expensive car......but the personality of a rock....... please don't let him be gorgeous...... please.....

Fuck my life.....he's fucking hot......... black hair....kinda in the whole Bradley Cooper looking hair ..... cool...... face damn.....why is my luck .....always better looking guys than me....... well hi there..... he's looking over at me...... since he parked not to far from me........ hey maybe he's not all that..... I mean he's still in his maybe he won't be all hot and you know Jacksonesque.....  I think I'll make a go at it myself.....since Lydia is checking out the car and the guy with of course Allison in tow......they haven't noticed me yet.... So I get out....... pull my jacket off and carry it......sun glasses on....... I see some people looking around at me now...... tight jeans and tighter shirt....... no one has seen me with hair in over three years......... 

I see Allison check me out...... she didn't see me glance over at her...... so when she looks up to my face and blushes...... fuck me I made a girl blush.....ha ......I give her a smile and raise my eyebrows........... I've worked hard on my now dork ass smile..... cross between a smirk and confident asshole smile..... pretty great if you ask me........ and by the looks I'm getting from several people....including Allison.... they like it too........SWEET! make sure I don't do a fist bump in the air........ so I decide to push it the max this morning...... I stretch my arms over my head ....faking a bored yawn...... and watch as people look on as my shirt rides up revealing some rather toned stomach....... fuck it all.........Allison just licked her lips......this is going to be a great day..... though Lydia hasn't pulled her head out of her ass and the rich boy's car........ 

I watch Scott walk over to Allison........ bends down gives her a quick kiss....... he surprises her.....she is blushing again......this time guilty eyes go to the ground ...... she then puts a smile on her face and turns to him...... I start to head over to them..... walking confident and graceful..... the way I've always been.......not the stupid act I've put more....... never again....... I'm embracing who I I've been trained........and just wait till the guys check out my tattoos......... 

So here I am walking over towards Allison and Scott.......she must think the guy she was checking out was coming over to hit on her.......she's antsy........ trying to think of a way to get away......... I hear Scott ask her if she's seen me.......... she tells him no....... he's laughing ......saying how I'm going to be late on my first day........... Lydia turns when she hears Scott laughing........ then she looks over to me....... all fucking swag up in my walk over........she has this calculated look on her face..... guess Scott sees he follows her gaze.......... I hear him snarl.....low growl...... unless you've hung around werewolves you wouldn't have caught it....... he doesn't know it's me...... nor will he tell by my scent....... I made an herbal sachet in my back pocket to cover my scent........ humans would have to get really close to me to smell leather.....wildflowers ...... and the woods after a's really a great smell......the wildflowers are wolfsbane and vanadium..... two really good things that screw up supernatural noses.... so screw you Scott....HA!

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