Werewolves, Vampires, Druids and Stiles?

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Stiles POV

I'm walking slowly........following behind Deaton......... the hairs on the back of my neck are raised......wait in this form.......do I have hair on the back of my neck.......and is it this weird almost ice blue.......or is just this feeling of dread........that something is going to happen..........is it hyper vigilance........ damn Morrell.........traitor.......siding with the Alpha pack........ damn ......better watch what I say.........these guys really don't know anything......... and I don't know if I can really trust any of them...........not sure I can trust any of them not to say something..........all I have right now is surprise on .why ......why has my life been turned to this........there is no one else to blame..........it's all my fault.......starting with dragging Scott to look for a half dead body in the woods......... I'm so fucked..........i don't think they could calculate how fucked my life is right now.........I don't know if they could handle how fucked up their lives are going to be........soon........very soon.....FUCK!...... and why does the further I get into this clinic........the more I feel freaked out...........my skin feels like small currents of electricity is pulsing through it.......shit......what is Deaton.........OK........now I can see it.......just have to focus the senses..........allow me to see the lines..........the magik..........the power.........and damn.........Deaton has this place death-con wired for protection........there are twenty different spells and wards powering up as I walk into this........death trap? ...........it's really weird........I can feel my body .....the muscle......the blood......the magik.......under my skin.........moving.............like millions of soldier ants........preparing to defend their home..........I'm use to having to consciously pull more magik into me to power up .......... but my body seems to be doing it all on it's own...........like a reflexes..........like seeing someone swinging to punch you and you automatically bring up your arms to block it.............my body is bring in and up energy............I turn and look at Derek ........he takes my breath away..........just looking at him.......but when his scent hits me......... it's like running full throttle into a brick wall...........it knocks you on your ass.........Scott and Issac are staring at me..........I wonder why..........I'll ask them, "What? Why are you staring at me?".........i level my sight between the two of them........they look back and forth to one another and then to Derek....

Scott says, "You........your skin is rippling under the .......um....scales........it looks like your muscles are growing............and you are glowing............and fuck Stiles............you are freaking me the hell out...... can you hear your voice?".........he looks at Issac.........shakes his head........

"What about my voice?" I ask........they are pissing me off........my body already feels like I have thousands of insects crawling underneath my skin.......why the hell are they staring at me....

"Dude.......you voice........their are different ...........it's like two different people saying the same thing at the same time .......and there is this weird tremble to both voices.........like they don't really belong..... or shouldn't be heard..........I don't know how to describe it any better.........it's just fucking weird..." Scott says........ while he continues to stare........moving his lips but not saying anything more....

"Weird......weird......oh so me standing here with silver eyes, shiny blue and white scales and a fucking tail........what that's not weird to you.........no it's my voice.......what the fuck Scott......." I say........and by reflex I take a deep breath and release it.....but now it's not air......is blue fire...

Yep I just breathed fire.....again.......but this time........a lot different than the other times.........because this time all hell breaks loose in the clinic........like every one of the spells and wards go off at once......literally exploding around us........ so I grab Deaton and turn him and I towards the three werewolves..........I flair out my wings expanding them as big as I can............and ......BOOM!..........that's all I can call it..........but their was no sounds..........nothing.........but you could see the effects..........but to Deaton and I..........we could hear it...........it was like sitting by a stack of dynamite and it goes off........in your head.............covering your ears doesn't help.............you can't escape it.........and it's like it's in a cave and the echo just keeps rolling back in like waves to smash into you brain over and over again..............Deaton's screaming............the man is in pain............trust you me I feel his pain..........and that's the good thing..........if I can feel it...........I can push it back and away...........like I did when Paolo tried to compel me with his vampire voodoo.........so I push both for me and Allan...... I can help him too...........so I push with all I have..........I see the  horrified faces of the wolves looking at us...........they don't know what to do..........I'm screaming at them.........even when I know they can't hear anything............I have to get above the roar of noise in my head...........so I scream...."All the spells and wards and magik in here is exploding..........the sound is fucking painful.........I'm trying to push it back from us....."........I see silver on my fingers when I pull my hands away from my ears......am I bleeding silver? I cry silver.........but my blood is silver too........what the fuck....

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