Another damn day. Another damn worry.

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Stiles wakes up really early.......we are talking it's still dark outside........but it's cool.....he went to sleep everything evens out..........and he wants to go for a run before school.......and his dad won't be home till 10 or 11 he gets his ass out of bed......and feels pain on his ass......he walks over to the full length mirror and pulls his black boxer briefs down......... and fuck sees the perfect shaped handprint bruise....... and five small pricks in his skin where his claws must have barely pushed in...... he sighs....... then he pulls on running shorts and socks........he doesn't want to wear a shirt.......and his running shoes are by the back door......his shorts have pockests so he puts his house key in them with a few other things.......

He gets his shoes on and he's out the door.......he puts on a reflective head band.......and he's out his back door and running..........he knows he should stretch and ease into it.........but he just feels so out of control of everything except himself..... so he's going to put that control into doing things the way he fucking well wants to.........damn the consequences and such......... he's running on the the first rays of the sun start showing.......... so he sighs and ducks into the woods that surround the area........ it's really quiet ..........that's the first thing that pops into his the sun is coming up and everything should be waking up.....but not a sound.......the way it feels to his Stiley sense....... the forest seems to be holding it's breath.......oh hell yeah 'Stiley sense' is just as cool as spidey sense...... and his is so fucking better.........not limited to just danger......but also a general sense of what's going on and the truth of the situation.........well it would if he wasn't so fucking impatient........sure he doesn't really suffer from ADHD........but he does have that normal ass teenage attention span....... but damn his mind is all over the place......let's get back to the situation at hand......he's in the woods.........well he's deep in the woods now........ most norman people aren't even up yet....... of my god.......he's in his own horror movie.......this is when the sinister music plays and the murderer steps out from behind the tree in front of him........and if .......seemingly on cue....

A woman......tan....... body all fucking kinds of toned.......stepped out from a tree ....not exactly in front of him.......three trees in front of him.......funny thing......something is wrong with her....... he feet have ....fucking claws.........and they are all kinds of gross......his eyes move from her feet to her hands that have the same claws......yellow and black.....they are so gross.......and he really doesn't want to know how the bottoms of her feet look.......probably covered in bunny and squirrel shit.......... he looks at her face......she looks either native American or Latino..........beautiful face........fuck me ......he thinks ....their is her alpha red eyes......well that's four of the five he's met.......and the fucking pack hasn't really met or approached any of them.....

"Good morning bunny....... not a safe place for a soft little boy to be playing at ....don't you think?" Kali asks.......a maniacal grin on her lips........ to punctuate the bunny thing.....she slowly licks her lips like he's breakfast......

"What the fuck is the matter with you fucking werewolves? Is there any of know that has half a brain........or does the wolf just make you all crazy and thoughtless?' Stiles asks.......deadpan face up......standing his ground..

"Good....... I so love to play with my prey before i kill it" she says in the sickest sing song voice Stiles has ever heard......her eyes flash red........ so just to be an ass......he flashes his silver

"Bitch....two can play that game........ and this prey.......has some really good defenses against predators" the young man says.......a smirk completely destroying his deadpan face

"You aren't the same little boy we've been watching since...... well the crazy alpha was killed and his nephew took over and made a kanima....... you know how fucked up you have to be to pick some one that is also that fucked up that they become a kanima.....well do you bunny?" Kali says flashing her toothy smile at him.

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