Shiny Roserade x Male Reader

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Key terms
(F/N) - Friend Name
(O/F) - Other Friend Name

"Can you believe that we have new hotties at our school?" One of your friends, (F/N) said as he looked around the classroom. This was one of your friends who tended to look at females a lot more often than they should, only mainly focusing on their body appearance. Your other friend beside you, (O/F), was too busy studying for the test you had tomorrow.

"When do you ever stop looking at girls?" Saying in annoyance, you could care less for girls. Especially with how strict your parents were on you and saying how you were going to be working with their business after this school year. You had too much going on to be worrying about anything, especially a relationship.

"Eh?!" (F/N) said as his eyes almost popped out of his heads, his eyes looking like they could turn into hearts. Looking over to where he was looking, there was a short white haired girl walking into the classroom. You had never seen her before, but she was wearing the school outfit. The teacher soon followed in and at this point, everyone's eyes were on the girl. Another girl hurriedly walked in behind her, her long brown hair falling down in front of her as she had her hands on her knees. She seems out of breath.

"You haven't stopped looking at that girl ever since she got in here, do you have an interest in her?" (O/F) said, making you look away quickly.

A fuzzy feeling was dancing around in your stomach but you shook your head at your male friend. "I told you before, I don't have time for girls."

The teacher clapped his hands, catching everyone's attention. "We have two new students in with us today and will be joining us for the rest of the school year."

The brown haired girl spoke first. "I'm Masumi Ito, it's nice to meet you all." She smiled, and instantly all the boys went head over heels. Some of the girls did as well, but a majority were giving death glares at Masumi, who happily returned them.

"She's going to be the tough one of the class..." Muttering, you looked back to the front of the classroom at the other girl. Her purple eyes were studying you, smiling as soon as you looked at her.

Flowers appeared in her hands out of nowhere, making (O/F) slam his pencil down at the impossible happening. "Hey, no magic! This world is realists only!" Mash I turned to look at him as soon as he spoke those words, which seemed like taboo to her.

"And nerds are supposed to keep quiet! Let this beauty introduce herself, mean ass." Masumi muttered the last part to herself, but you still had caught wind of what she said. The white-haired girl beside her threw up the flowers as they exploded into beautiful petals that were soon dancing around the classroom.

"My name is Roserade Ito, the sister to this hot-headed girl beside me. I'm sorry for her sudden outburst, please excuse her." Her statement made your heart skip a beat as you looked away, focusing your attention on the study guide on your desk. The white-haired girl frowned as soon as you looked away, then going to the seats the teacher assigned them. With your luck, you got the hot-headed girl instead of the cute looking – wait cute?! You slapped yourself on the face, trying to wake up from that reality you couldn't go to.

"I understand that you may be afraid of me, but slapping yourself won't help." The girl said as she snickered, leaning forward to you. "Besides, I gotta keep my eye on you. My sister seems like she has the hots for you, and it seems like you do too." Busted.

You turned around to face the girl with a broad smile on your face. "And you may be right, and you may be wrong. I'm just trying to get the highest grades since I am number one in the class. I am going to be working with my family's business next year and I need to focus all my attention on grades." Turning around, you left the girl behind you speechless. She laughed as she relaxed in her seat, looking over to her sister across the classroom who was surrounded by (F/N) and some of his other perverted friends.

A textbook flew past (F/N) and his others, a steam coming out from your head, your (h/c) hair standing up. "Damn, if you're going to flirt and look at her body do it on your own time! Some of us are trying to study." And with those actions you had just done, that made Roserade more attracted to you. 

Each day she would greet you and be dragged away by her sister by force, Masumi's eye twitching anytime she went near you or you were near her. Hell, you couldn't even be passing by her in the hallway unless Masumi was there. Oh how strange the sisters were, but it was weird. No girl had ever been that protective of her friend, let alone her own sister that you had come across. Maybe it was fate or not, but it was just more reasons for you to smile and have an eye out for Roserade.

Human Pokémon! x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora