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"You feeling okay (F/N)?" The purple-haired male asked, your (eye color) eyes shifting towards him. His red eyes were waiting patiently for your answer, watching your movements.

Nodding, you turned back away from Haunter and continued writing the prompt that was due at the end of your English college course today. But in reality, you were beyond words of describing how exhausted you felt.

For the past few weeks you had been staying up late, trying to get ahead on assignments that were due online and in class, since you had opted for both online and in person teaching. This was to work around your work schedule you had as well, to make it possible to keep your rent payment for your apartment and your studies in school.

Work wasn't any better either, as you, your manager and one other older lady were the only ones working at the local convenience store. The other two people who were working there, were, a couple who kept constantly calling out. Resulting in their removal at work due to the two never really being any help.

As any other person would feel when work is short staffed, especially if the person had sympathy and knows the feeling, they can't just leave them hanging. Your boss and the other older lady thanked you bunches for being able to help give them days off, working in the later shifts, giving them both the opportunity to work the mornings since you couldn't. Of course getting the raises out of being dedicated and to help you out did help some, sometimes you wondered if the trouble of going through a job was worth it.

"You know, maybe you should ask for a week off work." Haunter spoke once again, his eyes focused on the piece of paper below his pencil. You ignored his suggestion, knowing that it would be fully impossible to request time off work until another person was hired.

Finishing up the last sentence on the writing prompt, you quickly stood up and made your way to the front of the class. Giving your paper to the teacher, he gave you a nod of approval. Turning around Haunter's eyes were staring you down as you made the walk back to desk beside the purple-haired male.

Right before you had reached your desk you tripped, the trip resulting you not picking your right foot up high enough. Catching yourself quickly before Haunter could, his red eyes narrowed at your actions.

"Are you sure that you are okay? You don't seem too well." He stood up as well, his paper in hand.

Sighing at his concern, you put on your backpack and looked at him. "Yes Haunter I am. You don't need to worry about me so much, I'm fine. I have my day off tonight, so once I get home I'm relaxing." Smiling and turning away from the male, you knew one hundred percent you had told him a lie.

Quickly making your way out of the classroom, you made your way down the stairs to the bottom floor from the classroom you left. By the time you reached the first floor, Haunter was collecting his things and about to leave the classroom.

A small frown formed on the male's face before he sighed in frustration, looking down the flight of stairs you quickly made your way down.

Yes, tonight was your day off. But once you were to get home, you would do your usual routine. Which would be to get further ahead on your online courses, and attempt to get in class work ahead as well.

Haunter was one of your friends from high school that ended up going to the same college as you, the two of being close friends since early middle school. Though in high school the two of you grew distant, as he gained more friends than you did and was given opportunities to go out more than you.

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