Kyurem - Part 2

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"Oh, that was you? I didn't do much damage from what it seems like."

"Didn't do much!? That hurt just so you know!"

The long awaited part two has finally arrived! Enjoy babies! We're getting closer to the Author chapter! 


(Six months later)

"You know Kyurem," facing the grey and white haired man, who was currently laying down on the couch. He tilted his head, waiting for me to finish what I was going to say "I'm thankful you found me that day." 

Within these six months, his hair turned from pure blue with yellow streaks to grey and white, with blue and yellow tips at the end of his hair. Even though you knew the reason why his hair changed, every time you asked him to just mess with him, a huge blush would dust his cheeks as he turned away. Of course, when he turned back around, he would kiss you to distract you from the question.

A genuine smile made its way onto his face, closing his eyes as his smile turned into a grin. "I'm thankful that I found a beautiful girl like you too (Y/N). But, can I ask something?" 

"Yeah, go ahead. I'm sure it isn't that bad." Sitting down beside the male on the couch, he ended up pushing you down a bit more. Confused, he laid down and rested his head on your lap, pulling your hands down to his hair to mess with. Shaking your head at the male's actions, you were awaiting his question.

"You never explained why you ran away from home. You only described the events that happened on that day, but I'm sure there's more to that isn't there?" His red and yellow eyes stared up into your (e/c) eyes, awaiting an answer.

"I guess I should have figured I needed to explain this one day." Shrugging your shoulders and continuing to mess with Kyurem's hair, you looked up at the wooden ceiling within the chasm. "But after I explain, I'm going to take a nap." Making that part clear, he chuckled at your love for naps. 

"As long as I can join you, my precious." Pulling one of his hair strands at his stupid comment, you went on to explain. "You're always welcomed to my naps, baka."

"Well, you see my parents were always strict on me. They never let me do things how I wanted, and always were controlling me. I don't think they were my birth parents either, because of how they treated me. It seems like I was a burden to them." Frowning as a memory came up, you embraced it to push this horrible past by hopefully, and explain it as well.

Age 7.


Flinching in your bed as you were woken up, yelling followed by the sound of something crashing and breaking against the floor.

"Damn it! (Y/N) placed it here on purpose!" A male voice yelled angrily, kicking something over in the process.

"I bet she was trying to get rid of us. What a little bitch she is."

"(Y/N)! Get down here right this instant!" Crawling out of bed and walking downstairs, awaiting there were two angry parents. Or so, what it seemed like. 

"Clean this up!"

"But I didn't-"

"Are you talking back to us?!" Your mother raised her voice at you as you flinched, quickly running down the stairs. Though as soon as you reached the bottom step, your father stuck his foot out. Tripping and landing face first in the glass, pain shot all throughout your body realizing what was going on. Letting out a cry of pain, a foot stomped on your back as the air was knocked out of you.

"How many times did we tell you, not to cry?!" Being picked up forcefully, you were dangling off the ground as the glass was sticking in your face.

"They were horrible people. They never cared what I was feeling or doing, and it seemed like I was their maid or something. I was never given love or anything, and when I tried..." 

Age 10.

Rolling around in the snow outside with several forest Pokémon, they were all jumping about on you in joy. Someone was finally playing with them, and this time they weren't being targetted by poachers.

"I'm so happy!" With a bright smile on your face as you were about to embrace the Snorunt in a hug, a gunshot was fired off. The  Pokémon around you quickly fled, terrified sounds coming from them. Turning around, there standing in front of the house was your father, an angry look on his face as he came storming at you.

"Idiot! How many times have we said not to play with Pokémon?!" A stinging pain was burning on your cheek, your hands remaining at your side. No emotion came out, in fear of being slapped once more.

You didn't realize, but as you kept telling more stories, tears were streaming down your face from the horrible experiences you went through as a child. 

"(Y/N)..." Your hands were missing the hair of your love as you looked down, seeing Kyurem had gotten up. Two arms wrapped around you, dragging you to the owner and being embraced by a warm body. Not cold, but instead warm.

"Kyurem?!" Looking up to face him, he leaned down quickly, placing his lips on yours. Shock, happiness, and love, the emotions you were currently feeling. Closing your eyes and returning the kiss back to Kyurem, he pulled away. Opening your eyes to meet his eyes that you adored, he pulled you into his lap and burried his head in your shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'll always protect you, my (Y/N). You are now freed from those horrible memories, you have finally told your life. It's now time to start a new one, with me and the rest of us Pokémon here." Sparks ran down your spine as you relaxed back, before slowly drifting off to sleep in the arms of your love.

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