The Black Goat

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The rush of a kill, the blood splattering across the walls and the sight of a dead corpse were an incomprehensible and quite disturbing thought for Kazuki Haruka. he had a strong sense of justice and hated wrongdoings. He wanted to be a cop and join the academy as soon as he left university. Although the school was boring hours of Maths, English and Phys Ed, he studied hard and was determined to fulfill his dreams. His life at home was pretty normal, he was an only child, lived with his mother & father, Ai & Kaito Haruka in a small 4 bedroom house in Shinjuku, Japan. Life was calm and normal.

Time: 4:20 pm, Location: Sweet Heaven Cafe,  Akihabara

"Another mutilated corpse was found along the banks of the Sumida river yesterday at 5:00 am, the body has yet to be identified but the Police are stating that this murder was the work of the infamous serial killer, Black Goat..." The sound of the news was eclipsed by one Kurai Takuya "Another one?! that's the fourth this month, when will he stop?"
"I don't know but it's horrific what he does, doesn't he have a family? Why does he not care that he could be taking a person significant to another?" replied Kazuki,  "Guess we'll never know Kazuki, it's not like we can talk to them face-to-face, plus I doubt that a crazy like that has a family to go back to".

Their chatter was interrupted by the a waitress in a maid outfit.
"Can I get something for you Master?" she asked, the two teenagers scanned the menu briefly and paused to make their order.
"I'd like to have the Strawberry delight sponge cake and a Heaven Cappuccino please," said Kazuki.
"And I'll have the Double chocolate cake and the Sweet sin tea" seconded Kurai. After quickly writing down the order on a small decorative notepad she told them, "I'll be back soon with your food", and parted ways towards the kitchen.

They talked for a while as well as eating eventually stopping to pay and exit the cafe. They did this every day until it was like it was second nature then they would conclude their meetings and go home. Normally before he got on the train, he would call his father to let him know he was heading home but today was different he called 3 times to reach the same result of a denied call. Confused he called his mother hoping she would answer. She did but instead of her cheery tone her voice was rough and was distorted she spoke; "Kazuki I want you to be strong",
"What do you mean?" He replied,
"Promise me you'll be strong..."
"I promise " He concluded
"It's your father... He's dead."
Right there the whole world went silent for Kazuki, he wanted his mother to change her tone and say "Just joking" but he did not receive that privilege. His father was dead and there was nothing that could change that. He was gone forever. He fell to the floor shocked and upset, why did this have to happen to him. He hung up the call and grabbed this first train he could praying that this was all an elaborate joke, his father would be waiting at home, sitting on his recliner, reading the news and that life continue on normally, but deep inside his head he knew that the news was true and at home would be his nightmares.

Egg of the Black GoatNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ