Cold Blood

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Author's Note: I was planning to make the first chapter longer but I was testing the waters with WP so this chapter should be longer and better I hope. ******* = unspecified
Time: 6:00 pm Location: Shinjuku, Japan

Kazuki ran out of the train station with little regard for his surroundings. He pushed past the plethora of civilians in front of him, he just wanted to get home as soon as possible; his phone rang but he could not hear the ring tone over the sound of his panting breath and heart racing. It was dark out by now but he ran through the dark passageways like the sun was shining the path ahead of him. He did not want to waste a second. He finally ran towards his house now covered with the lights of police cars and SAT cars around his house.

He ran forward pushing past the crowd of observers and policemen, only just barely making it through. He burst into the house to which he was greeted with a gruesome sight. There in front of him laid a pool of blood; the pale mangled corpse of his father, his once white button shirt was dyed with the colour red. On his back laid multiple rips in his shirt and flesh where a knife had entered. Loud shouting could be heard from upstairs but he did not pay attention to the sound. He placed his hand on his father's arm and whispered desperately with tears pooling in his eyes, "Wake up dad..."
He repeated those words while continually shaking his body hoping that this was not the truth. His quiet whispers turned into anguished screams, "WAKE UP FATHER! PLEASE WAKE UP, COME ON DAD WAKE UP!"
His screams came to an end. He lay his head on the floor where his departed father lay. Kazuki could not help but cry at the scene of his father the man he admired, loved and dearly missed. He didn't want to face the reality that he was gone.

Moments passed. The shouting upstairs stopped briefly. A deep silence had befallen the room, followed by the sound of footsteps coming from above. Down came a woman once, known to Kazuki as his mother; now the blood-covered killer 'Black Goat'. She was surrounded by 3 SAT officers with 4 or so following behind them taking her to one of the SAT vans in front the house. He rushed up the and checked around the rooms. His room was clean as usual, same for his mother's and father's. All that was left was to check the guest rooms.

When Kazuki's parent bought their house when he was young, they claimed the guest rooms were "too good a deal to pass up". His mother took one room for herself to use as her office while the other room stayed empty except for when family and friends were visiting. Kazuki's mother always told him not to go in her room, "It is off-limits. It has important work in there, okay?"
He always kept to true to her order but he could never shake off the curiosity surrounding that room. What was it used for? his father told him that his mother was once an artist and that the room was used so his mother could paint in privacy but that brought up more questions, What did she paint? Why could he not see her paintings? However, whilst standing in front of the 'office' Kazuki could not help but take one look in this mysterious room. He hesitated, thinking about the corpse of his father that awaited him downstairs. The whole night was surreal, he thought it was all a dream "If it's all a dream then this room will not be real just my imagination working its tricks," he said, trying to reassure himself. Proceeding to turn the handle to the room, he took one deep breath and pressed against the door causing it to swing open he took one glance at his mother's forbidden room and ran, ran past his father, past the crowds and bolted away from the scene he could not stand what he saw in that room.


The Next Day,
Time: 11:00 am Location: Suginami, Japan

Kazuki eyes opened he was tired. The bright lights burned as he was waking, he was hazy about the night before and was unsure of why he was lying on the floor of Kurai's room, "What happened last night?" he thought to himself, he could not recall his memories of last night all he could conjure up was the fact he had visited Kurai's house and that he had ended up staying the night. "Well you're finally awake" his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Kurai "I was surprised why you came last night especially in the state you were in but you didn't look too well so I let you in any way"
"Where are my clothes?" asked a confused Kazuki.
"They were beaten and covered in blood so I decided to throw them in the wash"
"Why were they covered in blood?"
"Beats me, that's what I was hoping you could explain when you're ready come down and have some breakfast and explain everything".

Kazuki was even more confused now he could not for all his might remember the events of last night . He got up and changed into the clothes left by Kurai's bedside table and headed downstairs to the sight of policemen in Kurai's room. He could not believe this. His best friend called the police on him and he didn't even know why Kurai's face turned from a serious and stern face to guilty frown. The two policemen approached him, "Hello Mr.Haruka. My name is Officer Shirahama and this is my partner Officer Kyousuke we'd like to ask you a few questions" Kazuki began to worry "What did I do?" he thought his head still flowing with unanswered questions. He sat down. "So Mr. Haruka where were you last night at 6:30?", "I don't remember officer" Officer Kyousuke replied with a sharp tone "There were sightings of you at *********** the latest crime scene of the Black Goat", Kazuki was puzzled he began to think, "Last night at my place the latest crime scene... OF THE BLACK GOAT!" he was shocked "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PARENTS!!?" he shouted at the officers. "Turn on the news Shirahama," replied Kyousuke the Officer proceeded to try turn on the TV but was met with defeat, he went over to Kurai to ask him how to turn and return moments later, equipped with the new knowledge he pressed the combination of buttons to turn the TV on.

The channel was already set with the news. The Officers and Kazuki waited, finally, after the ad break had ended the anchor began their 'SPECIAL REPORT' on the events of last night "Last night at 6:30 Police and SAT were called on a killing by the infamous serial killer Black Goat there was one victim identified as Kaito Haruka and the killer suspected to be the Black Goat identified as Ai Haruka the wife of the victim, an investigation has been started to identify....." the sound of the TV was outweighed by the memories flooding in Kazuki's brain everything made sense the moments seemed like hours as Kazuki's relief turned to misery and despair only one thought rang through his head "Mom is the... Black Goat" tears filled his eyes, the dark revelation was too much for him to handle. Unprepared a second thought entered his head "Father... is dead" he broke down. His whole world was crumbling around him. He was unsure on how to continue, the two most prominent figures in his life had just outed on him and left him helpless to the ruthless world within in his feeling of remorse was a twinge of hate, why did they have to leave him like this? why did his father have to die?. "Are you alright?" asked Officer Shirahama, Kazuki's focus switched to the present where he was being questioned "Yes, sorry but I can't fully remember the events, only what was said in the report" although he could remember the events he did not want to reveal too much to the officers as he feared it may land him in trouble , so for the time being he lied. The questioning concluded after a few minutes of brief conversation "Call us if you happen to remember anything, here's our card" he took the card as a gesture of kindness although knowing well he would not tell anything.

Once the officers had left Kurai entered the living room once again with the same guilty face as before, "I hope you aren't too mad that I called the police",
"No not at all, I too was confused but I had nothing to worry about," said Kazuki in a forgiving tone.
"I'm sorry about your parents"
"Me too," he thought as he thought back to the report which claimed that his mother was the Black Goat,
"You can stay here until you decide what to do next," said Kurai but Kazuki was not too keen so he replied "Only until my parents house is cleared," he said. He wanted to live his life normally so he could get over this tragedy but in his mind, all he could think about was finding out more about his mother's secret life and the reason why his father lay dead on the floor that night .

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