Deep Sleep

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Date: 16/04/XXXX Time: 1:00 pm Location: Suginami, Japan

The sun burned brightly upon the grid housing blocks of Suginami heating the pavement and leaving the rotation of a fan and the shade of the tree as the only liberations from the heat unfortunately, for Kazuki he would not receive any shelter as he packed some clothes into a beaten backpack, the label which once read "North Face" was now faded and eroded. He had stayed at Kurai's house for a week now and had finally gotten news that he was able to return to his home. "You sure you'll be fine Kazuki?" asked Kurai "You can stay longer if you want I----"
"I'm fine Kurai" Interrupted Kazuki in an assuring tone.

"Thanks for having me," he said and as he packed the last of his clothes, no longer covered in the blood of his father into the bag. Once he had packed up he took the first train from Suginami to Shinjuku nervous about what lay ahead. After a silent journey, he got off the train, his mind occupied on the house the unanswerable questions kept popping up in his head "Whats at home?, Who's at home?" those questions rang deep within him and he knew his life had changed for the worse, he looked around the station filled with busy men and women all rushing to and from their job a rare family could be spotted amidst the sea of salarymen and salary women and the even rarer child lost crying for their parents, Kazuki had not seen the bustling area for a week but what seemed like a year for him. He had locked himself up Kurai room and had almost become a recluse refusing to come out for food and even to refused to leave a day before he had received the news. To Kurai, Kazuki had turned into a mental wreck but Kazuki was quite the opposite. He felt refreshed from his week in recluse, he had spent time sorting himself out. He had come to terms of his father's death but had ended up replacing it with a hatred of serial-killer mother. He could not stop thinking about it. The night... That night when it all changed the body... The room... THE BLOOD---- Kazuki focused again, he began to walk through the efficacious crowds until he reached the glass doors of the station. He left the busy establishment feeling nostalgic about the surroundings this place was no different than the other busy wards but to Kazuki, this noisy, congested environment was home.

He walked along the pavement taking the same  route as he would when everything was fine. A week indoors had taken its toll leaving him with a strange case of paranoia, the feeling of  unwanted attention as he approached his home the closer he came the heavier his legs felt and more his vision became blurred his body rejecting every idea of entering the house. What were moments seemed like hours as he struggled to see the door ahead of him, he fumbled in his pockets to find what was his key.

Eventually returning to a responsive state he placed the key in the hole remembering to lift the handle up whilst turning to open. *Kerchunk* The door unlocked, he entered to the sight of a bloody mess his father once again laying lifeless on the floor. Kazuki stood petrified at the sight of his father "WHAT! WHY IS HE HERE?" the only thought that arrived in his mind, he could only stare. He regained focus and approached his father for the second time as advanced his vision began to pulse and he noticed a figure approaching as well from within the kitchen he reached his father and knelt down to see him once again but this time when he attempted to touch him the darkness that surrounded him disappeared as the sound of a light switch echoed. Kazuki looked up to see the figure.... The figure no more shrouded by the darkness revealed a sight even grimmer than that of his father's corpse. Kazuki's Mother.... The Black Goat stood in front of him, cleaver in hand with blood splashed upon her body he innocent face tainted by an unsettling smirk. Kazuki horrified moved away instinctively as his mother's smirk ended to the release of words.




"No... This isn't you mom"  Kazuki mumbled. 

She ran at him shouting  "AND SOON WILL BE YOURS TOO!"

Kazuki attempted to run only to fall over as his vision pulsed he slowly lost consciousness. 

The sounds around him turned to thuds, however one voice pierced through him...

The last voice he heard "Your mine..." as his mind fade to black...

A/N: Well. Hi, thanks for reading this chapter and the last two hope you enjoyed this. I am still working on improving my writing style and grammar. As more chapters are made, they should be better. I was a bit puzzled on this chapter but eventually, I finished it.

Egg of the Black GoatOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant