Felicity is Here

637 13 1

Barry's POV

I like Iris but I also like Felicity. I can't think about this right now. Not when the city's in danger.  I'll figure out what to do with my life once there's a break with these meta humans

I understand that these villains came here because of Wells, but why can't there be more that are good. Its like I'm the only one in this town who was like, ' I don't want to rob everyone or wreck danger on the town because I'm mad that I became this way.' Why was I the only one who decided to be good? Sometimes I wish that at least one other person was a good metahuman. I love stopping the bad guys, but why didn't they try to think about not going out for revenge? Then again I wouldn't be a hero if there wasn't a villain.

As soon as I get into S.T.A.R Labs, all I can see is the back of a woman with blonde hair. Felicity. I wish we weren't separated by two cities, but that's just where we've ended up on our two paths. I guess I'll be seeing her here more often.

Hello. How are you crazy people reading this for some weird reason? Am I doing Barry and Felicity justice so far? I hope you're enjoying this story. I'm focused with The End Of The World and my Poetry Book right now so this won't get uploaded much. I hope you've read those two stories of mine. Comment if you like this story so far and if you've read any of my other stories or poetry. Add this to your library and vote. See ya til then. - Elise

Barry and Felicity AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ