Controlling Your Thoughts

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Felicity Pov

I don't know who it is. Why would I know? Maybe I do know them, but I haven't seen their mask. So how could I know?

Then all of a sudden I saw flashing lights outside. I heard horns going off. I went out to see what was going on. It was someone in all black; they had a mask and black cape covering them. Then he looked like he was about to say something when Barry ran around him. Trying  to make a tornado of light around him to distract him, but then as Barry looked like he was about to trap him he was gone.

Barry turned around to look at me and said," are you ok? Did he do anything to you? Did he say anything that could maybe identify him?"

"He looked like he was going to but he didn't say anything.  He just looked at me."

"Only if he gave a clue as to why he was here."

Barry and I went back into Star Labs to look and see if we could figure out who he could've been. I sat down at one of their computers and did what I do best. I started to try and track him because it seemed like he was familiar, but I can't remember why that would be. I looked through the computer system and there was no trace of this guy. It was weird; I'm not used to not being able to hack or track right.

Then all of a sudden Barry Allen comes over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me, "we'll get through this. We'll figure out who this is." Wait, did he say we? We aren't a couple. Yet the way he said it sounded like silky sweet honey. Stop thinking like this Felicity, don't distract yourself with your feelings. I wish could've stopped and looked at the situation at hand but there wasn't any time to waste. I wish I could decipher my feelings for Barry, yet should I? Should I just let him and Iris get together?  What should I do? Should I just be his friend and just visit him a few times and once in a while call him? I can't figure anything out anymore it seems.

I have some questions that I need answered to work out a couple plot things.  Do you guys want smut, fluff, both, or none? Where do you think the antagonist is from (if you get it right I'll shout you out)? I think that's it. I'd also like to know your opinions so I could make this and all my writing better. Until next time...-Elise

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