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Barry's Pov

I was at home for the first few days thinking I'd be alright, yet not secure because of all these meta-humans. I know something will happen soon. I love being the Flash but I needed some relaxation.  It was due.  I didn't have to be at the police station for my work , a forensic scientist, so I was at home. I got up and something was different.  Yes, I know Felicity is here, but I mean another kind of different. It seems almost as if something is missing.

Then I realized, it's silent.  No noise, no sign of Iris or Joe. Iris wouldn't have gone to work yet if she was home. Yet where is she? She didn't say anything about going anywhere. I then sped around the house,  the surrounding area; central city; as fast as I could go, which is pretty fast. I still couldn't find her. This is weird. I would've thought she would have been somewhere I checked, unless, someone took her. Then maybe that's it; why I can't find her. I didn't even hear anything from the team at S.T.A.R L.A.B.S, which makes me nervous. I'd have thought one of them would have called me or something because they usually know when something is wrong. Maybe they just don't know.

Then I thought, what if something happened to all of them. Just as soon as I thought that, then I got an unknown call that sounded like the audio was tampered with to make their voice deeper than it actually was. They said, "I have your whole team. So you either hand your new girlfriend into me or they all die."

"Who is this? I don't have a girlfriend, and even if I did, how would you know anything like that? Why would you kill my team? How would-," said Barry before he was cut off by the mystery voice on the phone

" You're asking too many questions.  Anyways, those are all the unimportant questions.  The question you should be asking is why do I want Felicity Smoke. I have some people to kill, some banks to rob, so I got to go. I'll call you later, Flash."

Barry sat on the couch in awestruck because of the information he just heard from this mystery man. He couldn't believe that this person knew that Felicity was here and that they knew who his team was. That they most likely also had Joe, even though he had no clue if this person did or didn't take Joe. He just knew he had to save them all before it was too late. Also, find out what this person wanted with Felicity and find a way to not give her up to this person.

Hello. Its starting to get juicy. I'm really excited for what's to come. I just want to remind you all that this is an AU, so I will be changing the stories. I just wanted to include that so no one would get mad at me for what's coming next. I know there'll probably be haters, but if you're creating art there's bound to be some. I hope you had a good day or night, whatever your time zone is. Also, I promised you guys a longer chapter and I gave it. Well, I think that's it. See ya- Elise

Barry and Felicity AUWhere stories live. Discover now