part 4

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More quotes and random comments. :B


Me: Girl I'm over him!

Him: Hey


Number one rule of math. If it seems easy you're doing it wrong.

Do you ever get up from your computer to walk aimlessly around your room just to sit back down?

That moment when you talk to yourself and start smiling like an idiot because you're sooooo hilarious.

Sometimes when you're depressed you just want someone to hug you and say, "I have snacks with me!"

If you give me pencil I have different choices I can do with it. Write, doodle, or stab you with it.

When your phone's battery is at 1% and you're running to the phone charger like, "STAY WITH ME BUDDY! OH DAMMIT WE'RE LOOSING HIM!"

Pretty friend: Omg I just got 100 likes on my profile picture!

Friend with a guy: I just went on the cutest date.

Athletic friend: Wow I just got asked to join the national team!

Popular friend: Omg I got invited to like ten parties!

Me: I meowed at my cat yesterday and he meowed back.

HOME. Home is where your Wi-Fi connects automatically.

I am a female. FE=iron. Male=man Therefore I am Iron Man.

People who never stop texting you. You answer 4 weeks later. Sorry I lost my phone then I found it but it fell in the pool then my pet chewed on it finally my great great great great uncle jerry fixed it.

That great animal planet guy who died. Always made me laugh. "Look over here guys its a croc, i m going to poke it! ... OHHH ITS ANGRY!" "Here mates is a great ray. Lets go and poke it. OH THIS ONE IS REALLYY ANGRY!" .. yeup great guy.

That annoying person that thinks is your friend and wants to hang out.

Person: Hey! Want to hang?

Me: I have to ask my mom. *Doesn't ask* She said no.

"Bro I like this girl I want to be together."

"Dude don't get mushy if you want to be together you first have to-get-her."

Okay guys remember to comment, vote, and follow!!!!!! :-D ♥ Gracie ♥

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