Author's Note

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Hi Everyone! First off, thanks for reading my first TLC story, because if you're reading this one you've probably read Moonstruck :) I'm amazed at how many people actually read it and how dedicated people were to it. So thanks to all of you who read that first fanfic and inspired me to write this one.

Secondly, thanks to all of you who are going to read this second one. It's just so bizarre that I'm writing something in my room at home by myself, and at some point it might be read 300 times by other people all over the country and potentially the world. It makes me so happy that my writing Is enjoyable enough for you to want to keep reading.

Third(ly?), your guys' comments are the best. I love hearing what you think of each chapter, and they're always really sweet, so I really appreciate that.

Finally, the first chapter of Moonflower will be out tomorrow. I hope you're as excited as I am!

A couple of questions to get yourself excited: 

Why is the title Moonflower? (Just an FYI, moonstruck means unable to think or act normally because of love, which I thought was a good word for Cinder and Kai)

What could be in store for our heroes five years later? (I will say the big four are all married now, so don't expected any weddings because they have already happened)

Who has kids? What are they like? What are their names?

Could there be any new threats to our new heroes?

If you have any thoughts about the answers to these questions write them below! 

Thanks for reading!


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