Chapter 13

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"As in the Order of the Pack Lunar Soldiers?" Cynthia questioned, her mouth agape. "As in..."
    "Me?" Came a voice from the shadows behind Kai's office door. Emerging from the darkness came a flame of red hair and a tall, dark and hairy man- the source of the voice.
    "If I'd been anywhere near that city I could have smelled them several days in advance and we could have gotten everyone out. But there's no way of predicting where they will be next. Even then who knows if those soldiers are acting of their volition or being controlled by a rogue Lunar. I could be taken by them too if they have just one thaumaturge-strength Lunar." Wolf explained. He looked heartbroken and torn. Cynthia could tell he had had enough mind control for a lifetime.
    Her mother voiced what everyone who had survived the Lunar war had been thinking. "I hate having to worry about Lunar gifts and mind control when dealing with problems. It makes everything so complicated! We made sure any Lunars coming to earth had a Linh device installed, but we never made every earthen have one. Now everyone is at risk again even though the threat is smaller."
    Kai cut in there, "Okay, so we make sure all Lunars remain on Luna until we have the Levanna sympathizers in custody. We get all military personnel to have a Linh device installed, and we take the Rampion to find the pack before they find innocent deviceless Earthens."
    Cinder groaned. "It's not that simple Kai! These attacks happened yesterday. The pack could be anywhere in the world by now just by hopping aboard a ship. And you can't leave and chase after a Lunar threat. This isn't like the old days. We're older, more mature, and we have a family. You need to stay here. The Commonwealth can't run without you. I'll go by myself to join Iko and Kinney. Tell Jacin he can come too, and Wolf you could be a big help, but everyone else needs to stay and take care of each other..."
    The emperor swooped in and wrapped his arms around Cinder, his expression worried but sure. "Cinder, where you go, I go. I'm never coming close to losing you again."
Again? Thought Cynthia. What had she been missing from their stories all these years?
    "C'mon Cinder wasn't that sweet? Just let us take him so he won't be so sappy all the time and we can go. I want to go kick some wolf soldier butt!" Came another voice from outside the door.
    Captain Thorne and Cress stood at the door then. Thorne grinned and crossed his arms, as if he had been waiting for this since the last war ended. Cress frowned at her husband, but there was a determined twinkle in her eye.
    "The Rampion's systems are ready. We can leave whenever you guys are ready. Winter and Jacin are already on board. And you were right Cinder. The pack did get on a ship. Luckily I was able to tap into a few satellites and find it. It's headed for the Western European Federation. If we leave now we might be able to intercept them. As long as Carswell doesn't crash the ship."
    "Hey! I haven't crashed since Leo showed me how to land like an academy student." mumbled the captain in return.
    Kai, his arms still circling Cinder, told Thorne, "Just give us a second. We'll meet you down there."
    Cress and Thorne left with Scarlet and Wolf, leaving just the royal family and Torin alone in the study again. It was quiet for a long time. Cynthia could see her parents having a heated conversation with their eyes. Her mom was losing. They would both go and Cynthia would be stuck here worrying about them and wondering if the promise her mother had made just last night that she wouldn't have to face being empress for several more years would be broken.
    Cinder finally sighed and wiggled out of Kai's arms. "I'll meet you downstairs," was all she said. Cynthia let her mother give her a tight hug before she vanished down the hall like everyone else.
    Kai watched her go and then straightened back to business. "Cynthia," her full name telling her the direness of the situation, "While I'm gone you are going to have to make all decisions in my stead. Torin will help you through them, but the best advice I can give you is to not overthink anything, go with your gut, and most importantly protect our people. With any luck your mom and I will be home soon and this will all be over."
    Cynthia tried to beg her dad to stay or rethink putting her in charge, but her mouth was dry and not a word could escape her lips. Kai kissed her softly on the top of her head and then wrapped her in a strong embrace.
    "I know you will do great Thia. Know no matter what decisions you make your mother and I will always we proud of you, and we will always love you."
    Cynthia found her words this time. "Thank you daddy. I'll try. Just come home."
    He smiled and squeezed even tighter. Then he left with Torin following close behind to gather details of his trip. Cynthia sat back down in her chair alone in her father's study, and tears began to stream down her cheeks.
    This was supposed to be over. Lunars were supposed to be no longer threats but friends. Mind control and bioelectricity were things she was never supposed to worry about. Her people were never supposed to fear being attacked by wolf soldiers again, and most of all, her family was never supposed to be put in danger by alien threats ever again. She had no idea what she would do if she lost any of them.
    Cynthia sat alone crying for several minutes, consumed by anger and fear and anxiety, when she was startled by a soft hand resting on her shoulder.
    She looked up, red eyed and puffy cheeked at the face of her childhood friend.
    "Shouldn't you be flying in to save all those people in danger of being destroyed by Lunar wolf soldiers?" She asked quietly.
    Leo sat down beside her in the chair normally occupied by her mother. He took his hand off her shoulders and wrapped it around hers. "No princess, there are plenty of other pilots out there who can do that. You need my help more than anyone else right now Thia, and spades if I have anything to say about it, you're going to be the best couple-of-days-empress the Commonwealth has ever seen."

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