Chapter 6

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"Okay okay I've got a good one," said Thorne excitedly. Cress braced herself for the next one.
"Rampion," he said grinning from ear to ear in a child-like triumph. Cress sighed.
"Carswell, Cress, and their son Rampion Thorne. People are going to think we're some sort of vegetable family. And then when people ask why Rampion I'm going to have to say he's named after a ship my husband stole in the Lunar war,"
"Hmmmm, I see your point. Maybe we should stay away from vegetable names," Thorne responded. He tapped his scruffy chin in thought while Cress returned to her own.
They had found out today their baby was going to be a boy a few days after Cinder and Kai had crowned their daughter Crown Princess of the Commonwealth. Cynthia Peony was such a beautiful name, and it honored someone who had been very close to Cinder. Cress wanted the same thing for her son, though perhaps more of a handsome name than a beautiful one.
Thorne's face became more serious, almost grave. "Cress, have you thought about naming him after family?"
Cress nodded. "I've been thinking about my... Father. I didn't really know him, but he's the only name I have."
Thorne shook his head. "I don't have any family worth acknowledging. You haven't even met them,"
"Thorne I told you I could handle..."
"No, you don't want to meet them. They'll criticize everything about you and make you feel like you're worth nothing, at least, that's what they did to me. I couldn't possibly do that to you, put you what I had to go through,"
Cress looked up at the captain. His face was so serious and determined, but she could see in his eyes what he wasn't saying, and it was that he would protect her with every breath he had.
"So," Thorne continued. "We have Dimitri Erland, or Sage Darnel," he paused for a moment mulling over the names. "Those are some options,"
"I like the name Sage," said Cress, "but Sage Thorne doesn't sound right,"
"Right, stay away from plants in general," noted Thorne with a smile.
"Dimitri is kind of an old name, and it wasn't really even my father's" Cress continued. The struggle continued to be more and more evident.
"Who knew choosing a baby name would be so hard?" Thorne complained plopping down on the couch of their living room right next to Cress.
"We have to think of the things most important to us, and combine those with something meaningful. A name defines a lot about a person."
Thorne gave a small groan, "Well, at least we have another month. Maybe inspiration will strike,"
Cress nodded, "We're meeting our friends at the Kesley farm in two days, maybe they will be able to help us think of something. They've all chosen names themselves for their children,"
Brightening at the mention of some help, Thorne hopped up from the couch. "You know what Cress, you're right. No need to worry about this now if our friends can help us later. It's dinner time and I'm hungry,"'
Cress frowned at this and made to get up very slowly. When Thorne saw he pushed her gently back into the couch.
"No no, you should get some rest so you'll be ready for the trip," he told her gently. "I will make dinner,"
Cress smiled and nodded at him, but when he turned his back she grimaced. She knew without a doubt that the house would soon smell like burning and she would have to make a dinner. Though, hers always turned out only slightly less burnt.
"I think I have a list of boy names upstairs," said Scarlet frowning. She put Fitz in Wolf's lap and went to find them. The day had turned into a hard-core name game. Not one of the members of the former Rampion crew could think of a suitable name for the new Thorne baby, and Cress was getting worried. She was growing more and more uncomfortable by the minute.
Cinder glanced at Cynthia sitting in Kai's arms. "We had a couple of ideas for boy names, but they were all based around Kai's family," she told them.
Winter sat thinking quietly on the floor next to the other children. Jacin was looking anywhere but at Cress and Thorne, and Wolf was still focused on holding Fitz in his giant hands.
Thorne was frowning. "We've faced Lunar thaumaturges, being rulers of entire countries, and certain death several times, and we can't think of one name?"
The heroes in the room shifted uncomfortably. Cress could feel it too, there was something about this failure to do this thing that seemed so important.
Scarlet returned without the list of names. It had been thrown away long ago. Iko read through a list of popular baby names, but each one fell flat. Nothing felt right.
Halfway through dinner Cress nudged Thorne and nodded toward the hall. He knew right away something must be wrong. If there was one thing they always agreed on it was the love of farm fresh food, and any dinner they got without having to cook and burn it was good to them.
By the time they reached the hall Thorne could see the fear in Cress's eyes. It was small and mostly covered by a calm facade, but Thorne knew her too well.
"What's wrong," he asked already prepped to throw her over his shoulder and run or scream for help.
"We need to go," she said, her voice quiet, almost as if there might be pain.
"Go where?" He asked. Why leave so soon, and what could she be worried about.
Cress sighed, "The hospital Thorne. The babies's coming. Now,"
"What? Now? We haven't even picked a name yet!"
A/N: Okay, so I have an assignment for all you guys reading out there. What do you think the Cresswell baby should be named? Use the chapter and make sure not to pick any names that were already thrown out in the chapter. I would really like it if someone could turn Cress's father's name into a suitable name, but if you have a better idea I am totally open to it. I will use my favorite in the next chapter, with credit of course!
Thanks, as always, for reading!

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