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The family and I were sitting in the living room talking when there was a knock on the door. 'Who could that be' I thought and got up and waked to the door and opened it. No one was there, then I heard a cry (okay in this book, Rosalie and handle her blood craving) I look down and saw a baby. I picked it up and waked back inside and everyone looked at me. "Oh my God its a baby is it a boy or girl." Alice squealed. "A girl." I answered. "Can we keep her." I asked Esme and she looked at her husband and then nodded. I smiled so widely. "Who is going to take care of her." Bella asked (Bella is already married to Edward, but Renesmee will not be in this book). "I will since I found her and I have always wanted a child." I smiled at her then Emmett. "I am going to be the best mom ever." I said in a baby voice to her. "She needs a name." Edward said reading my mind. "What Sarah." "Carlie." "Mddi." They all said. "How about Isabeth." Emmett asked and everyone looked at him crazily. "That is perfect." I smiled.

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